You Can Treat Your Fatty Liver With Breakfast

If you have a fatty liver do not miss these three infusions that you need to take on an empty stomach to detox, protect and strengthen your liver.
You can treat your fatty liver with the help of breakfast

Fatty liver is the most common liver disease. If you suffer from it, or know is family member who does, you are no doubt aware of how important it is to improve his daily habits, and above all his diet. With some effort and the right supplements, you can reduce inflammation and the amount of fat in the liver. Morning food is a great place to start when you want to treat your fatty liver.

The effort is worth it all as you will have better health and quality of life. One way to treat fatty liver is to start with breakfast and know the best choices.

It is important that you do something to treat your fatty liver

How can the right breakfast help us treat fatty liver? To begin with, we must keep in mind that fatty liver, or “Hepatic steatosis”, is a disease in which fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in our liver, which changes the function of its cells and causes inflammation.

Despite being a benign pathology, it can lead to more serious diseases if you do not find out how to treat your fatty liver in a timely and adequate manner. Treatment consists not only in improving your diet but also in making ourselves aware of it, changing our lifestyle and starting to improve our breakfast as this is what will help us the most. Below we will explain why.

  • Purifier: Our first task is to detoxify and cleanse the liver of all the toxins that have saturated it and of the lipids and fatty acids that alter its basic function and cause inflammation.
  • Strengths: One of the most wonderful properties of the liver is that it has the ability to regenerate itself. It is able to make new cells and tissues that are healthy and strong, if we help it along the way. Do you know how we can help our liver? By providing it with antioxidants, relevant proteins and minerals that will allow it to synthesize enzymes that it can use to regenerate itself with.
  • Protects: The liver is one of the most important organs in our body and, at the same time, one of the most fragile and sensitive to a poor diet or unhealthy lifestyle. The fats and toxins in some foods, some medications, in tobacco and alcohol end up making the liver sick. But with proper diet and supplements, we can protect the liver and help it fight Hepatic steatosis.

If you or your family member has been diagnosed with this disease, do not be afraid or lose your composure. Like we said before, fatty liver is a disease that can be treated if you make the right reservations. Accept that the diet you have had so far is bad and harmful, and that if you want to eat better and feel more comfortable, you will have to make low “drastic” changes.

To achieve this, it is necessary to start your breakfast with infusions as they are good for cleansing, strengthening and protecting your liver. You should always drink them on an empty stomach right after you get up. We will give you three choices so you can make the one you like best every day. Note this:


  • 2 artichokes
  • One liter (32 ounces) of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • The first thing you need to do is heat the water and then add two artichokes. You should leave them in the water until they are soft and then save the water as it is incredibly good for treating fatty liver with.
  • Put the water in a glass bottle and add the juice from a lemon. Drink the artichoke water throughout the day. The first glass you drink should be on an empty stomach, right after you get up. It is very easy!


  • 20 g. (0.7 ounce) dried dandelions
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml or 6.75 ounces)
  • 20 g (0.7 ounces) lemon slices


  • Start by heating the water. When it starts to boil, add the dried dandelions and 20 grams (0.7 ounces) of lemon slices. Let it simmer for at least 15 minutes and then let it cool for at least 10 more minutes. Strain the entire contents and drink it hot, and a little at a time.


  • 20 g. (0.7 ounce) milk thistle ready for infusion (you can find it in health stores and pharmacies)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml or 6.75 ounces)


  • It’s easy and fast. Just heat the water and, when it starts to boil, add the milk thistle tea bag, which is usually sold in health food stores. Let it sit, strain it and drink it on an empty stomach.
Chia seed smoothie
  • A bowl of oatmeal
  • A slice of rye bread smeared with olive oil
  • Breakfast cereals made from organic cereals, without sugar
  • An egg yolk
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Sage seeds
  • Walnuts and hazelnuts
  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Bulbs
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple

Lastly, keep in mind that you can always include a cup of coffee with your breakfast as it, as you already know, is excellent for protecting the liver.

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