What Is A Subcutaneous Injection And How Should It Be Administered?

A subcutaneous injection is an easy way to give medicine and it is not very expensive. It is very useful for medicines that are absorbed slowly, such as insulin. In this article we will tell you how it works.
What is a subcutaneous injection and how should it be administered?

A subcutaneous injection is a fairly common occurrence in the medical world. The reason is that the patient can administer it himself, as is the case with insulin for diabetics.

A subcutaneous injection is injected into the adipose tissue under the skin. In other words, it goes into the layer of fat that we find between the skin and the muscle. This tissue contains only a few blood vessels and therefore it is suitable for small amounts of medication.

In addition, specialists recommend that the medicine should be slowly absorbing and continuous. Although easy to use, it is important to remember certain aspects of this type of administration.

What is a subcutaneous injection?

Subcutaneous injections are often confused with intradermal injections. The latter refers to an injection in which the needle penetrates only into the dermis (the middle layer of the skin).

As with the subcutaneous kind, it is good for drugs that are absorbed slowly and locally. The difference between them is the depth and the angle. In the intradermal type, the needle enters at an angle of 10 degrees, almost parallel to the skin.

Subcutaneous injections, on the other hand, are those injections where the needle penetrates the subcutaneous tissue . We can find this tissue between the skin and the muscle layer. It is also known as adipose tissue.

Specialists use this area to administer medications in small amounts. In fact, it is usually in amounts below 1 milliliter, although it can reach up to 2 milliliters. Because it is tissue with few blood vessels, the body can absorb medication from here in a gradual manner.

This is one of the main differences when comparing this type of injection with intravenous injections. Intravenous injections have a faster effect. Subcutaneous injections are also easier to administer and cheaper. One of the main uses is for drugs that a person cannot take orally.

Person using subcutaneous injection

Tips before performing a subcutaneous injection

Before performing a subcutaneous injection, you should keep a few things in mind. As an article published in Nursing explains, you should not inject annoying medications. This can lead to abscesses or even tissue necrosis.

Unlike other injections, you must inhale after inserting the needle. This is an action that usually helps to check if the needle in intravenous injections is positioned correctly. However, it may leave a bruise.

In addition, specialists do not recommend massaging the area where the injection was given. It can cause the body to absorb the substance faster, which is not what we want here.

It is best to vary the place where you get the injection if you need to do it several times. It is e.g. what happens to insulin in people with diabetes. This way we can prevent sores from occurring.

The areas should be separated by a few centimeters. With insulin, we recommend that you administer it in circles to change the area where you inject yourself.

Materials for subcutaneous injections

To administer a subcutaneous injection, use different materials. The first is the syringe. This comes in three parts: Needle, tube and piston. The needle is the part that needs to penetrate the skin, while the tube is the part where you put the medicine. The plunger helps to insert and pull the medicine out of the syringe.

Syringes may vary slightly, but all have readings to help you know how many ml you need.

To perform the subcutaneous injection , use a new needle each time. They must be the right size. It is best to use disposable gloves when handling the needle or syringe because it reduces the risk of infection.

Specialists recommend that you have sterilized napkins at home that you can use as a surface to put all the materials on. It is also a good idea to have disinfectant alcohol or alcohol wipes.

How far should the needle go?

A subcutaneous injection should have a certain depth and an appropriate angle. You can lay it at 90 degrees (perpendicular) or at 45 degrees. You should do it at the first angle when you are able to, and at a 45-degree angle for those areas or people who have little adipose tissue.

According to a publication in Murcia Salud , it is not always necessary to cleanse the skin before the injection. It should only be done in cases where the skin is visibly dirty.

It is also important to prepare the syringe before the process. You must apply it with your dominant hand, between your thumb and forefinger. With the other hand, grasp the part of the skin where you need to give the injection.

As one Kaiser Permanente article explains, push the needle in with force. Once it is completely inside, press the plunger so that the medicine penetrates your body. Then remove the needle at the same angle you inserted it.

Once this is done, you can release the skin with the other hand. You may bleed a little from the place where you received the injection. In this case, simply apply a little pressure with a cotton ball.

Syringes for subcutaneous injection

Where can you give a subcutaneous injection?

You can give a subcutaneous injection in different areas of your body. One of the most common areas for this is the abdomen. You should insert the needle 5 cm from the navel and avoid getting too close. You should also avoid putting pressure on the hip bones or ribs.

Another area where you can give a subcutaneous injection is in the leg. More specifically, it is the outer area of ​​the thigh, between the knee and the hip.

The lower back, just above the buttocks, is another area you can use. In this case, make sure that the injection is below your waist and above an imaginary line that lies just above your buttocks. As the last one, you can also give it in the arm.

If you learn to do it properly, you reduce risks

In short, a subcutaneous injection is a type of injection that you give into the adipose tissue that lies between the skin and the muscle. People often use it to give small amounts of medicine. It is also medicine that requires a slow and gradual absorption.

One of the most important uses is to administer insulin. To do this correctly, we recommend that you often change the place you inject yourself and that you prepare the materials correctly. Likewise, it is essential to follow the best sterile and antiseptic methods.

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