Types Of Sarcomas And Their Characteristics

Sarcomas are a type of cancer that occurs in the soft tissues and bones. There are different types and clinical manifestations depending on the area where the tumor grows.
Types of sarcomas and their characteristics

There are many types of sarcomas, and thus it is a rather versatile disorder, which manifests itself in many different ways. They are sometimes seen as nodules under the skin, and then there are other times where it presents itself as pain in bones and bloating of the abdomen. There may even be weight loss among other symptoms.

According to  the American Cancer Society  , this disease is an oncological variant that multiplies in soft tissues and bone tissue, ranging from adipose tissue to nerves where they pass through bones and muscles.

Sarcomas are not common. Indeed, several studies indicate that osteosarcomas (a tumor in bones) represent only 0.2% of all malignant cases of cancer. This means that there is an incidence of about three cases for every million people a year.

About cancer and its significance

One cannot discuss sarcomas without knowing some basic information about cancer. This disease is characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation in some areas of the body, leading to tumors. They often spread to other parts of the body due to a process known as metastasis.

The Medical Oncology Society  reports updated data on the global cancer situation:

  • There were more than 18 million cases of cancer detected worldwide in 2018, and 11.6% of them were due to a malignant tumor in the lungs.
  • Cervical cancer had the lowest diagnosis (2.1%), although there were 24.6% cases of cancer of less common origin (which were not counted as unique types).
  • A total of 277,234 cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2019.
  • There is an annual increase in the number of global cases, as estimates indicate that nearly 30 million more people will have a malignant tumor in 2040 (63% more than in 2018).

As you can see, these numbers are so disturbing. That is why we need to be familiar with each type, no matter how rare, in order to be able to heal more people across the globe.

Person with pink bow

Types of sarcomas

As we mentioned above, all types of sarcomas are malignant tumors that sit in bones or soft tissues. According to statistics  , they cover over 20% of cases of cancer in children and less than 1% in adults.

Predisposition to get this disorder depends on genetics and environmental factors and the interaction between the two. However, specific cases remain unclear. According to an article published in the science portal  Science Direct  in 2007, there are different types of sarcomas. Read on to find out what they are.


It is the most common subtype and covers over 20% of cases of sarcomas in the United States. This type of cancer takes place in fat cells anywhere in the body. In most cases, however, it occurs in adipose tissue in the extremities or abdomen.

It is quite noticeable as it manifests as growing nodules under the skin, pain and weakness in the affected body part when it occurs in legs or arms. However, tumors in the stomach manifest as constipation, bloating and pain among other symptoms.

In most cases, tumor removal and radiation therapy are the best treatment for it. However, there are several types of liposarcomas depending on their form. However, it usually does not cause metastases and is resolved only with surgery.


According to the organization, sarcomahelp.org, leiomyosarcomas are in smooth muscle cells – generally in the uterus or tissue in the stomach. This type covers 5-10%, making it one of the most common of all the types of sarcomas that affect soft tissues.

There are no specific characteristics for the diagnosis of this disorder, but the sources cited above report that they are more common after the age of 50 or 60 years. They also primarily affect women. Various studies show that treatment with Gemcitabine works well in more than 50% of patients.

Synovial sarcoma

This type of cancer is less common and usually appears close to the joints (especially in the knees) in young adults. Its primary characteristic is a slow-growing deep nodule, which may appear tender or painful to the touch.

Research reveals that this type of cancer is associated with chromosomal variants. This means that it has a large genetic component. As with liposarcomas, surgical removal is the best solution.

Example of common types of sarcomas

Other types of sarcomas

We have reviewed three of the key types above. However, there are other types of sarcomas that we must not forget to mention. Some of them are:

  • Angiosarcomas, which occur in the lining of blood vessels or lymph vessels.
  • Kaposi’s sarcomas produce pink nodules under the skin or in the lining of the mouth, although less common. It manifests itself frequently in people with a weakened immune system such as people with AIDS.
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of the skeletal muscle. It is actually the most common type of sarcoma in childhood. In addition, it has an incidence of four children for every million healthy children.
  • Osteosarcomas are, as the name indicates, bone cancer.

As you can see, there are as many types of sarcomas as there are tissues in the human body and the list is long. The primary concept one should keep in mind is that we are dealing with a malignant tumor that varies in location.

Things to keep in mind regarding different types of sarcomas

Sarcomas develop in both hard and soft tissues. Therefore, there are several types that manifest themselves with specific symptoms depending on the place where the tumor grows.

As with any other type of cancer, early detection is the key to patient survival. Therefore, talk to a doctor immediately if you have a suspicious lump or unexplained pain.

Thanks for reading.

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