Treatment To Strengthen Bones And Joints

Discover a delicious and completely natural recipe to strengthen your bones and joints.
Treatment to strengthen bones and joints

Strengthening your bones and joints does not need to require laboratory medication. In fact, there are other natural alternatives that can be used as a supplement or as your primary treatment.

Since bones and joints are the body’s support, it is important to be aware of any discomfort or disorders that affect them so that they do not affect your daily activities or get worse over time. That way, you can avoid limitations or a reduction in your quality of life.

It is important to remember that the body gradually deteriorates as the years go by. Bone and joint pain often occur as a consequence of an inflammatory process, infections, trauma and a wide range of chronic diseases.

Although these symptoms may vary, they usually appear in everyone at some point in life. When this happens, after consulting a specialist, you can try several methods to strengthen your bones and joints.

Whether you already have a prescription or not, most alternatives to strengthening bones and joints consist of a combination of good lifestyle habits and natural remedies, and they help prevent complications.

In nature, there are several sources that can provide great health benefits. In fact, many laboratory medicines are based on natural ingredients or at least they try to include some in their composition, such as plants, seeds, oils, etc.

A natural opportunity

Man with leg pain

Next, we suggest a natural treatment option that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients that, when absorbed by your body, help strengthen your bones and minimize joint problems. To do this, we combine the properties of certain seeds with ingredients such as honey, raisins and gelatin and produce a source of nutrients that can reduce inflammation and discomfort.

In addition, this natural treatment occurs due to its high content of natural enzymes, fibers and amino acids, the absorption of which strengthens bones and joints, and which reduces the recurrence of problems. It also offers the following benefits:

  • Lime and magnesium, essential minerals that help maintain bone density, especially when it tends to suffer from wear and tear.
  • It provides small amounts of potassium, one of the nutrients that balances sodium levels and helps prevent fluid retention.
  • And it has a significant amount of omega 3 fatty acids, which as you probably know, help reduce tissue inflammation and circulatory problems.
  • In addition, it contains high-value proteins, as well as vitamins and antioxidants, to help maintain collagen production to protect the joints.
  • In addition, this natural treatment is energizing if you take it regularly. In this way, the effect helps to improve the physical and mental performance during the day.

Recipe for strengthening bones and joints

Glass of honey


  • 2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds.
  • 2 tbsp. sesame seeds.
  • 2 tbsp. tasteless gelatin.
  • 5 tbsp. flaxseed.
  • 3 tbsp. raisins.
  • 1 cup of honey.


First, put the seeds in a blender and add the non-flavored gelatin along with the raisins and honey. Then blend the ingredients at maximum speed for 2 or 3 minutes until you get a smooth mixture without lumps. When ready, pour the mixture into a covered container and store it in the refrigerator.


  • Preferably drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Take a shot before lunch and, if you will, also before dinner.
  • Continue this intake for an extended period of time for the effect to take effect.
  • This remedy can be diluted in half a cup of warm water to make it easier to drink.
  • Store it in the refrigerator (for up to two months).

Other recommendations

Woman pouring a glass of water

To optimize the results of this natural treatment , it is important to maintain good eating habits. In this connection, we also recommend the following:

  • Limit your consumption of soft drinks, junk food, sodium and sugar.
  • Increase portions with fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.
  • Consume vegetable milk (preferably fortified with calcium and magnesium) to strengthen bones and joints.
  • If you have inflammation and fluid retention, be sure to drink plenty of water and diuretic drinks.
  • Last but not least, supplement your diet with a physical exercise plan according to your needs and physical abilities.

Do you feel pain and heaviness in your joints? Are you worried about suffering from bone problems? Go ahead and prepare this natural remedy at home. It will be a great help to keep you strong and healthy.

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