Three Recommendations To Reduce Sugar In The Diet

It is well known that eating large amounts of sugar is harmful. In this article, we give you three recommendations to reduce it in your diet!
Three recommendations to reduce sugar in the diet

It is important to reduce sugar in your diet as this will significantly improve your eating habits. In fact, controlling your intake can help reduce the risk of developing complex diseases in the medium and long term. It’s challenging, but definitely possible!

Sugar is found in many industrial products, and it is crucial to know which of them contain sugar when it comes to consciously moderating consumption.

You also need to limit other ingredients in the usual products to achieve this. You can actually do that without sacrificing tasty meals. Read on to find out how.

Added and refined sugar is harmful

Added sugar can increase the risk of suffering from metabolic diseases such as diabetes or obesity, which are also risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

According to research published in the journal Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences , regular intake of this drug leads to insulin resistance. This includes not only type 2 diabetes, which is a consequence of pancreatic dysfunction, but also more general problems.

As you can imagine, you need to be selective about the origin of the sugar. It is not the same on a metabolic level to eat large amounts of fructose through industrial products, as to regularly consume fruit.

Consumption of large amounts of vegetables is associated with a lower risk of natural deaths. According to a study published in the journal Nutrients , consuming refined or added sugar increases the risk of fatty liver.

Fruits and nuts

Intermittent fasting to reduce sugar in the diet

Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. However, people tend to include cakes in this meal. You may not be aware of it, but many of these products contain excessive amounts of refined sugar.

Therefore, skipping these products for breakfast is an effective strategy to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. In fact, according to research published in the journal Nutrients, it not only has positive consequences for metabolic health, but it also triggers a reaction to the person’s body composition.

Avoid sodas

These drinks increase the amount of sugar in your diet. You can choose sodas with artificial sweeteners, but these can actually be worse in terms of nutrition.

According to a 2017 study , artificial sweeteners can promote changes in gut bacteria. In addition, the effects of such substances on the intestinal microbiota increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and becoming overweight.

In short, the best thing you can do for your health is not to consume soda. Water should be your main source of hydration.

Do you want to miss the bubbles? If so, add some fruit juice to Danish water!

Woman with apple in hand says no to donut to reduce sugar in diet

Also read: Do we need to consume sugar? Find out the truth

Prioritize fresh foods to reduce sugar in the diet

We mentioned above that the origin of nutrients is important. In addition, evaluate the foods in your diet in addition to reducing the amount of sugar in it.

First, try to prioritize the intake of fresh products over industrially processed products. You actually consume less sugar when you eat more fruit and the quality of the nutrients is higher. In addition, the fiber content of vegetables delays their absorption and reduces their effect on the pancreas.

Eat less sugar for better health

As you can see, a reduction in the amount of sugar in your diet will have a positive impact on your immediate health and long-term risks. The likelihood of becoming overweight will decrease and so will the incidence of metabolic diseases.

The three strategies presented here will help you reduce your daily sugar intake if you use them. Do not wait to include them in your regular diet. Lastly, keep in mind that regular physical activity is a necessity for a healthy lifestyle.

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