Three Low-fat Detox Cures

These detox cures help your digestion and reduce bloating. You should only follow them for the recommended time period to avoid side effects.
Three low-fat detox diets

Low fat detox diets can be used as a method for a healthier body. They can not stand alone and should only be used as an aid in an otherwise healthy and varied diet.

More and more people are now interested in detox cures, especially if they often experience symptoms such as bloating, flatulence and heaviness.

You must not follow these low-fat detox treatments for a long time, but you can use them over short periods of time.

Do you want to try them? Here we share three low fat detox diets that you can use as part of your diet or for a health boost.

You need to know this before you start on these low fat detox diets

Detox Cures has several goals. First of all, they try to cleanse and purify the body’s excretory organs (liver, kidneys and colon) to help them work even better when faced with toxins.

These diets are based on light, easy-to-digest foods, making them ideal for regulating digestion and reducing bloating. Among other benefits, they strengthen the body’s resistance to disease and leave a noticeable feeling of general well-being.

These diet plans are not meant to last forever as they are a bit restrictive. D u should strive to implement them in a maximum of 7 days, only three or four times a year.

See also:
5 ideal foods to cleanse your colon

Foods that are strictly forbidden during a detox treatment

Sausages in wraps.

Many everyday foods share properties that are not suitable for detox diets. Although these foods are harmless, they have some properties that complicate the cleansing process.

The most common are:

  • Hardened or encapsulated meat
  • Red meat
  • Processed or pre-packaged foods
  • Canned goods
  • Commercial baked goods
  • Packed fried foods or snacks
  • Saturated oils and butter
  • Fast food
  • Beverages and carbonated beverages
  • Coffee and chocolate

3 low fat detox diets that you should try

In recent years, interest in detox has increased so much that many diet plans are now designed with their properties. Alternative cleansings, even those that adapt to specific needs, are a common search.

Below we have put together 3 low-fat menus which, in addition to detoxifying the body, help it burn calories to more easily shrink in size. At the end of the diet, where you follow it for a maximum of six days, you should continue with a balanced diet.

The artichoke cure

Vegetable cut out.

When it comes to detox diets, the artichoke diet is one of the more effective. It improves digestion, helps the body remove fluids and shed pounds fast.

  • Breakfast : A cup of artichoke with lemon, fruit salad and two slices of wholemeal bread.
  • Morning : A cup of vegetarian milk or freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Breakfast : Brown rice with artichokes or artichoke salad with tomato and celery.
  • Snack : Fruit and two artichoke heart capsules (you can find these in a pharmacy or a grocery store).
    Dinner : Grilled artichokes with a serving of chicken breast.

Note: You should not stay on this diet for more than three days. You can use this diet before starting a balanced diet for weight loss.

We recommend that you read:
Discover the benefits of artichoke water

The oat cure

From a nutritional point of view, oats are one of the more complete grains. They have always been a part of detox diets because of the fiber and antioxidants that they boast of, which is the key to helping the body eliminate waste.

Breakfast : Three tablespoons of oats with milk and four strawberries.
Morning : A serving of fruit or a cup of vegetable soup.
Lunch : Three tablespoons of oats with water or milk, mixed salad and a serving of baked chicken breast.
Snack : Fruit juice or tea.
Dinner : Three tablespoons of oats with water or milk, asparagus salad with olive oil and pinch of salt.

Note: The maximum length of time you need to follow this diet is for five days. You can switch between the foods for each meal as a variation, but always include the oats as directed.

Tomato cure

Tomato juice.

Thanks to their nutritional properties, tomatoes are one of the most popular ingredients in meal plans. In this case, it plays the role of the star for one of the most famous detox diets in the world.

On an empty stomach : A glass of fresh tomato juice.
Breakfast : Two boiled tomatoes, seasoned with oregano, olive oil and salt.
Morning : A glass of fresh tomato juice.
Breakfast : Tomato salad with bean sprouts or peppers. You can add a serving of fried chicken breast or salmon.
Snack : A glass of fresh tomato juice.
Dinner : Tomato salad with artichoke, paprika and serving of fish.
Before going to bed : End the day with another glass of tomato juice.

Note: You should only stay on this diet for three days. If you experience delicious hunger, you can add low-fat and low-calorie foods to your diet such as fruits or whole grains.

Is your digestion a little sluggish? Do you experience bloating? If you have these symptoms, it may be time to try one of these detox diets. Follow our recommendations and take advantage of their properties.

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