Three Benefits Of Spending Time With Other People

When we spend time with other people, we get our need for contact met. We humans are social animals, and most of us therefore need relationships with others.
Three benefits of spending time with other people

Not everyone has an equal need to be with other people. Some are fine with just being alone most of the time. In this article, we give you three benefits of spending time with other people.

This article is for you who love to be alone. It is for you who enjoy various projects at home, and mostly do not bother to go to the bar or to a party.

It’s for you who would sometimes like to have a conversation and feel an intimate connection with others. Even if it is only once or for a short time.

Because even though you like being alone the best, and even though it’s okay, you probably agree that it’s nice to be with others. There are also many benefits to spending time with others.

Some people are good at being alone

How to combine the need for closeness with the need to be alone

Many introverts also have a need for closeness with other people, even though they prefer to be alone most of the time.

They often get bored if they have to small-talk. If you yourself like best to be alone, then you can probably well recognize it. You would rather talk about important things. You want to know who the person in front of you really is.

Our society is built around our family or spouse being our most important relationship. It is also absolutely amazing to have a family, friends, a boyfriend or spouse who meets our social needs.

Friends lie together on the grass

But there are also many benefits to getting out and talking to new people once in a while, and it doesn’t have to be boring small-talk at all. There are many ways you can bring closeness into the conversation, for example by asking more meaningful questions and asking questions that invite a deeper answer.

Here are three benefits to spending time with other people that you may not have heard of before.

Three benefits of spending time with other people

1. Good relationships with others halve mortality

According to the book “ The good senior life. Find the motivation and strengthen your muscles with exercise and a high-protein diet ” then a well-functioning network is definitely vital for us. Our network consists of family, friends and people we know in the periphery. For example, it could be colleagues or others who work in the same industry as you.

The conclusion from large studies involving thousands of people, for example for the Center for Healthy Aging, shows that the subjects who had good relationships had 50 percent lower mortality than those with less good social networks.

For example, there are more people with cardiovascular disease and infections among those with a less well-functioning social life.

2. You keep your brain in shape when you are with others

New research shows that social activity can help keep the brain in shape. It strengthens your cognitive abilities and can be just as good as crossword puzzles and other mental activities.

Research also showed that you can delay cognitive decline in old age if you make sure to participate in social activities frequently.

Therefore, it pays to spend more time with other people if you want to keep your mental abilities straight.

Older people exercise to avoid weight gain - spend time with others

3. You lose weight more easily when you hang out with friends

When you spend time with other people, you find yourself in a stimulating situation that is good for your health in a variety of ways.

Researchers from Ohio State University have conducted experiments on mice that show that mice lose weight faster when they are part of larger social groups.

The stimulating environment triggers a change in the mice, which activates something called brown fat. Brown fat differs from white fat in that it is not stored, but instead helps to burn energy.

It’s nice to be social. We humans need each other, even though there is a difference in each individual’s social needs. There are many benefits to spending time with other people. So maybe it’s time to invite your friend, mom or sister for a coffee?

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