The Anabolic Window: Everything You Should Know

Taking 40 g of casein before bedtime increases the endogenous synthesis of protein and prevents loss of muscle mass. In this article we will tell you everything you need to know.
The Anabolic Window: Everything You Should Know

The anabolic window is a concept that  refers to a better absorption of nutrients after exercise. According to classic physiological manuals, a temporary period of time opens up after using the muscles, where the body utilizes the nutrients better.

This effect can increase the synthesis of protein in muscles, healing of tissues and lean gains. Despite all this  , researchers today are questioning the existence of the anabolic window. 

They have studied the effects of giving protein before and after exercise on the synthesis of protein in the muscles. The result seems to indicate that there is no significant difference between the two methods.

Let’s take a closer look at what that means.

The anabolic window may exist before going to sleep

Recently, researchers published a study in the  Journal of Nutrition,  which claimed to investigate what the effects on muscle function were if given casein before sleep.

For this , they selected a group of people with an average age of 70 years. They compared the effects of an intake of 40 grams of casein with the contribution of 20 grams of protein enriched with leucine.

The results showed that the largest dose of protein given before sleep improved the synthesis of protein in the muscles. This results in a reduction in the loss of lean tissue in the elderly.

The study therefore says that the classic anabolic window may exist, but at a different time than previously thought. In this way  , consuming protein before bedtime can improve muscle building.

However, no significant differences were found between protein intake before and after exercise,  as long as the nitrogen balance for the day was positive.

Man sleeping in bed

Glycogen replacement is essential

As for whether there is an anabolic window after exercise or not, then what can be proven is the need to restore the supply of glycogen  after anaerobic exercise.

An article published in the journal  Nutrients  found that the most effective way to restore the supply of glycogen is by combining a time shot of carbohydrate with a serving of protein.

This can therefore be  a useful strategy when it comes to reducing the risk of muscle damage during future training. It can also be helpful to take extra leucine to help reduce muscle pain in times of high competitive stress.

Ergogenic aids that improve the construction of tissues

Several supplements can improve the synthesis of protein when taken after exercise. To that extent, you can speed up your recovery after exercise and the adjustment of the muscles.

Two specific cases are creatine and HMB. Both substances have been proven to improve the maximum strength of athletes as well as the composition of their body. A healthy consumption of these supplements  can therefore contribute to muscle gain and loss of adipose tissue.

However, the reduction in fat may be caused by an increase in metabolism, which is obtained from an increased muscle mass, not a direct effect of the substance on tissues or the metabolism.

Drink with protein powder

The anabolic window: It’s better in the evening

Current scientific trends create doubts about the classic concept of the anabolic window after the practice of sports. Recent tests, however, say that there is a possibility that there is a period when the body absorbs nutrients better.

This time may be before bedtime. This means that intake of protein that dissolves slowly can be an effective strategy to maximize the growth of muscles and reduce the catabolism of tissues.

On the other hand, we recommend that you exercise regularly. It will stimulate muscle fibers, which will lead to their growth by increasing the endogenous synthesis of proteins.

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