The 5 Best Anti-inflammatory Fruits

Did you know that there are natural anti-inflammatory fruits? In this article we will tell you about which ones are most beneficial.
The 5 best anti-inflammatory fruits

Inflammatory processes  are very common in our daily lives. Discomfort in the intestines, the days when our liver is a bit more swollen than normal, or even the classic retention of fluid that can sometimes result in edema or swelling, are problems that can be eliminated with a good diet. Fortunately, you can eat anti-inflammatory foods.

There are fruits that are very rich in antioxidants and medicinal properties that will help us defend ourselves from infections, thereby strengthening our natural immune system. Their high content of water, minerals and vitamins is a basic help to strengthen our body, and thus fight these things that we all suffer from from time to time.

Should we start taking notes on these anti-inflammatory fruits?

Pineapple, one of the best anti-inflammatory fruits


Pineapple is one of the best anti-inflammatory fruits available. Do you know its secret? Bromelain.

Bromelain is a digestive enzyme that contains sulfur and, when ingested, will help improve digestion. In addition, it will also create an interesting anti-inflammatory process in our body, which is perfect for reducing the accumulation of fluid and the inflammation we may experience in our joints.

In order  to increase even more of its active ingredients, it is recommended that you eat natural pineapple on an empty stomach. If one day you get up very swollen, with swollen legs or fluid accumulation, then this is a perfect time to cook a few writes fresh pineapple or a natural juice. You will see for yourself how amazing it feels afterwards.

Lemon and its content of bioflavanoids


On our website, we have often talked about the benefits of lemon, and how healthy it is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice every morning. Did you realize that it is also one of the most effective anti-inflammatory fruits?

This is due to one of the essential components of lemon, bioflavonoids, which are found primarily in the peel, the mass, and the white part of the lemon. This element is very useful to reduce swelling, and to act as a natural antibiotic in our body. In addition, it can relieve all types of inflammation.

Be aware that it is necessary to use the peel or the white one of the lemon to get the benefits of bioflavonoids. Therefore, an effective technique is to apply the frozen lemon therapy, which we have already explained in another article. It’s worth it!

Papaya and its secret component: papain


If you have the opportunity to buy papaya at the local supermarket, do not hesitate. It is one of the best anti-inflammatory fruits available. It helps improve digestion, and is also great for losing a bit of weight.

Papain, an element found in the papaya mass, is an enzyme used in natural medicine to relieve pain and help resolve all types of inflammatory processes. It is fantastic. It is enough to use half a papaya daily to be able to take advantage of its properties.

Thanks to papaya, you will receive a good portion of vitamin C, iron, calcium and one of the best antioxidants that nature can offer us:  beta-carotene. We must also never forget that papaya is an easily digestible fruit, which also has an antiseptic effect on the digestive mucus, which is great for those days when you suffer from gastroenteritis or colitis.

4. Cherries, ideal against osteoarthritis


The “magic” component found in cherries, which can help reduce inflammatory processes is called anthocyanin.  Thanks to this natural pigment, cherries have an attractive color.

But the most interesting thing about these delicious fruits is that they have a natural anti-inflammatory effect which is far more effective than aspirin; therefore, cherries are considered a great treatment for those who suffer from osteoarthritis.

We should also not overlook the fact that cherries are very rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and quercetin, a kind of enzyme that fights free radicals.

Would you like to know how to consume cherries to get the most out of their anti-inflammatory effect on osteoarthritis? It’s very simple. Eat 15 cherries after lunch. Super delicious!

5. The power of apple peel


Are you one of those people who always includes an apple in your breakfast? If not, then it is a good idea to adopt this healthy and simple eating habit.

In other articles we have often talked about the many benefits apples have on heart health, and even to give you a nice figure…  But were you aware that they are also beneficial in treating all types of anti-inflammatory processes?

According to a study published by the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Montana State University (USA), the  apple peel contains enzymes that help fight the so-called T cells, which cause inflammation. Apple peel also contains pectin which provides minerals and vitamins which are helpful for all types of infections.

Therefore, remember to eat one apple a day… But do not forget to eat the peel too!

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