Tea And Infusions – An Essential Guide

Since green tea contains only small amounts of caffeine, it is best to brew it in hot – not boiling – water so that the tea leaves do not give off a bitter taste. Among other things, this tea helps to slow down the signs of premature aging.
Tea and infusions - an essential guide

Tea and infusions

Tea and infusions come in many versions and varieties. You may drink tea every day, but are not fully aware of the wide range of teas available and all their various health-related properties. In the following article, we will give you a comprehensive guide to the most types of  teas and infusions available today and what each one is good for.

Many people think tea and infusions are the same, but there is actually a marked difference. They have different properties and you also cook them in different ways. The difference between tea and infusions is, in short, that when making tea, you pour boiling water on dried leaves. When you make an infusion, you let plants, herbs and flowers soften in water – and not necessarily boiling water.

Types of tea

Green tea

Green tea is used as a medicinal dietary supplement worldwide and is considered to be one of the healthiest and most beneficial teas available (especially when fermented). When brewed, it retains all the natural qualities found in the original plant. Among the many good properties of green tea, we can mention that it is an antioxidant that slows down the signs of premature aging; it helps detoxify the body and remove excess fluid; it also helps in digestion and in losing weight.  It is high in vitamins A, B and C, as well as fluorine, sodium and other beneficial minerals. It strengthens the immune system and protects the body from infections and viruses.

Due to its low caffeine content, it should be cooked with hot and non-boiling water (about 80 degrees is ideal). Otherwise, the tea leaves will literally be boiled, causing them to give off a bitter taste. The Chinese were the first to discover this amazing beverage, whereas Japan today is the largest consumer. The difference in tea drinking between the two cultures lies in the preparation of the tea.


Black tea

Black tea is the most popular in Western cultures and is sold both loosely and in bags all over the world. Both the taste and the healthy properties lead it to a great drink. It contains a good amount of antioxidants, is filling, good for digestion and contains few calories. It has not always been used as a beverage. In fact, it was often used in barter as it did not lose flavor over time, thus maintaining its value. Black tea occurs when the leaves were camelia sinensis undergoing an oxidation process, whereby they change color from green to black. The caffeine content of this tea is stimulating. Ideally, it should be brewed at around 95 degrees, and the intensity of the taste depends on how long you let it soak.

White tea

This is also called the youth’s elixir, and for good reason! It is said to be one of the finest and most delicious forms of tea. Instead of gathering tea leaves, the small, new shoots gather to make it. It is said that the person who drinks white tea absorbs the youth and the life-giving energies from the plant itself. Its bright color is due to the white coating on the fine, new shoots when they first emerge and are hand-picked in the spring. It is produced in the high mountains of Fujian, China. It has a delicious taste and a delicate aroma. It provides us with vitamins C and E and is also antioxidant and diuretic. It should be brewed at a temperature of about 75-80 degrees.


Red tea

Red tea is also called “pu-erh,” and is known to promote efficient fat burning. This was the “tea of ​​the emperors,” as for a long time it was forbidden for ordinary people to consume tea. It has a strong, earthy taste and a deep, red color, and the ripening process takes several years. Three cups of red tea a day will help reduce cholesterol levels and the amount of body fat. Cook at approx. 95 degrees.

Blue tea

This tea also goes by the name “oolong,” and is semi-fermented. It usually has a color between green and black. The fermentation process is interrupted after which the tea is rolled and oxygenated. It comes from two regions: Fujian in China and Formosa in Taiwan. Blue tea has a taste like a green vegetable and the color can be lighter or darker, depending on how it is treated. It is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, regulates cholesterol levels, reduces blood pressure and also contains good vitamins and minerals. It should ideally be served at 90 degrees, but it is also “acceptable” to serve it cool or with ice cream.


Types of infusions

Now you know a little more about the primary tea classes, so we will go on to tell a little about the different herbs and plants that can be used to make delicious infusions.


Chamomile is commonly used in the treatment of mild digestive problems, such as indigestion, cramps, diarrhea and gastritis. It also reduces eye irritation and inflammation and relieves respiratory problems such as asthma, coughs and colds. It can even be used to treat acne and clean superficial wounds and tears.


Mint has bactericidal, antispasmodic and digestive properties. It reduces flatulence, attacks insects and promotes good breathing. It is often used to treat colds and coughs.


Linden flowers

The medicinal part of the linden tree is found in its fruits and flowers. It is used as a sedative and causes the nervous system to relax. It also improves digestion and helps improve sleep. Linden flower tea can be used to reduce blood vessel problems, cramps and menstrual cramps.


Valerian resembles linden tree flower with its soothing and relaxing properties. Be careful not to drink too much of this tea as it can make the nervous system sluggish too much, lower blood pressure and reduce blood circulation.

Green anise

The leaves of this plant refresh the spirit when chewed, and an infusion made on green anise lan is used as an expectorant, a tonic for the stomach, to regulate the menstrual cycle, lighten air in the stomach and aid in digestion.


Rosemary helps repair damage to the nervous system, while improving memory and improving blood circulation.


We hope you feel you know a lot more about tea and infusions than you did when you started reading.

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