Stop Smoking With These 4 Easy Tips

There is no doubt about it: Smoking cessation involves an enormous amount of strength, endurance and willpower. However, we can make it easier with a few helpful tips.
Stop smoking with these 4 easy tips

Smoking cessation is a tough process and everyone handles it a little bit differently. There are people who quit gradually, others who go back and forth, and some people who simply stop smoking “cold Turkish style” and never smoke a cigarette again. Stop smoking – we’ll help you along the way in this article!

It’s not an easy thing to do. Smoking cessation involves more than just a strong determination. We need to have a clear desire to live a healthier life, and follow concrete steps towards better habits.

We also need a good amount of support from our circle of friends. It is also helpful to learn how to control the triggers that cause us to light a cigarette.

Smoking cessation not only allows us to have better health, but it also helps us to improve our quality of life and gives us a sense of well-being.

It is definitely worth it.

Advice for smoking cessation

There are a few things we need to keep in mind when deciding to quit smoking. One of those things is that our brain is going to miss its usual dose of nicotine.

In the absence of nicotine, our body will begin to develop withdrawal symptoms. In fact, it is something that begins only 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette.

All smokers know very well that the most critical moment of the day is when they wake up in the morning after not smoking for 7 to 9 hours.

The physical changes are obvious: An increase in heart rate and blood pressure, dry mouth, anxiety and the need to eat.

The day after your last cigarette, the level of carbon monoxide and nicotine in your body will drop.

This is where your brain orders your body to start compensating for the damage caused by tobacco in your heart and lungs.

You will notice clear changes during the first 3 weeks. It is without a doubt the most complicated time and it is extremely important to be careful with your diet during this period.

Let’s look at 4 tips to quit smoking:


1. Stop smoking by avoiding coffee in the morning for 1 month.

Caffeine stimulates the urge for tobacco. It is a natural activator that is easy to avoid, at least in the first few months when you are struggling with relapse.

Here are some of the best alternative drinks:

  • Cinnamon
  • Infusion of licorice
  • Ginger
  • Infusion of passion flower

It is also important to increase your intake of vitamin C, which is needed to cleanse your lungs. Use it as a great excuse to prepare delicious smoothies with strawberries, oranges, kiwi, mango…

Whole grains are essential to quit smoking.

When you stop smoking, you reduce the level of glucose in your blood. This small amount of hypoglycemia generates stress and an uncomfortable feeling.

If you make the mistake of eating sweets, you may create a stronger urge for tobacco. Therefore, it is essential to eat healthy foods.

You will be happy to know that a diet based on whole grains will give you great results. You will be able to feel it on your mood, on your sense of satisfaction, and above all, you will notice that your body will stop suffering from hypoglycemia.


Here are the grains you should include in your diet:

  • Oats
  • Buckwheat
  • Rye
  • Brown rice
  • Red rice
  • Flaxseed

Stop smoking by choosing foods that help you relax.

It may seem strange, but there are foods that are able to calm us down and relieve tobacco withdrawal.

Nutritionists call them “zen foods.” While it may not be the best name, it is true that it can help us be aware of what we are eating. Here is a list of some of the zen foods:

  • Pumpkin soup
  • Baked turkey with lemon
  • White fish
  • Vegetables (broccoli, raw onions, turnips, carrots, leeks, peppers, celery, Swiss silver beets)
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Garlic
  • Brewer’s yeast

4. Quit smoking by drinking warm water with honey.

When you quit smoking, it is extremely important to drink plenty of fluids to remove the toxins and stay hydrated.

There are some great homemade remedies that are definitely worth considering.

We recommend something very simple:

  • Drink a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of honey. This solution is an antibacterial cleanser that strengthens your immune system, gives you energy and is good for your lungs. It calms and satisfies you too. Do this twice a day. It’s a very simple trick, it costs nothing and makes you feel good.

In conclusion, remember that this advice is only effective if you are consistent and keep in mind how important it is for you to quit smoking.

We also recommend starting to practice a new sport or hobby. It’s good to have something that can distract you such as swimming, dancing or maybe a course in something you think is fun. It will make you think of things other than smoking.

Stop smoking! It is definitely worth it.

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