Rejuvenating Japanese Face Mask

Rice is a perfect ally for the skin. The grain itself can be used as a scrub to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, while rice hydrates, regenerates and tightens the skin.
Rejuvenating Japanese face mask

Have you ever wondered if you can rejuvenate your face? Of course, there are no miracles, but we can lighten our face, tighten it up more and give it more elasticity. An effective and simple solution is to use this cheap “Japanese” face mask.  Want to know what it is?

Therefore, it pays to make your own beauty products

You can make a face mask with rice

Most people spend too much money on cosmetics, creams and treatments. Too much money, no doubt about it. The interesting thing about all these industries dedicated to a world of beauty is that they use natural ingredients that are available to all of us. But of course these are used and are artificially manufactured in such large quantities in the creams sold in stores; and usually we try only a few creams throughout our lives, depending on our age and our needs.

In our health blog we have often mentioned the wonderful benefits of  avocado, grapes and aloe vera to our beauty care, but today we will introduce an element that is so basic that you have probably never thought about it: rice. A remedy with Japanese roots? Yes it is. It is a very traditional woman-remedy in the oriental world. Let us explain its benefits.

  • Rice is a perfect tonic for the skin. It has an ingredient called inositol which is wonderful in slowing down aging, by promoting blood circulation and effectively benefiting the overall health of the skin.
  • Rich in vitamin B. You already know the many good properties of vitamin B  to care for our skin, our hair, our  nails …, it stimulates skin regeneration, helps to soften the skin, and strengthens the skin against external influences.
  • Hydrates, regenerates and tightens the skin. This good property comes mainly from rice water, a very traditional remedy for Japanese women.
  • Anti-wrinkle effect. As we have already pointed out, the secret behind rice lies in rejuvenating the face with its component inositol. This can counteract wrinkles and stimulate blood circulation in the facial skin, which is always so delicate.
  • A good exfoliating agent. It is surprising, but among its good properties we must also add phytic acid. And what does this element do? It removes dead  skin cells and helps to rejuvenate the face little by little.
  • Removes acne spots. Again, it is rice water that is the ideal part of this treatment to cleanse our skin of foreign elements. It cleanses, tightens and reduces  facial blemishes  caused mainly by acne. It is best to carry out a treatment at least two days a week.

Rejuvenating Japanese face mask


Now you know that our mask of Japanese origin has rice as a basic element. As it is rich in vitamins and rejuvenating properties, it is worth trying to use this remedy at least twice a week. If you want, you can supplement this mask with your usual creams because it is an easy way to get additional benefits in a very economical way. And you can be sure that it gives good results.

1. What do I need to prepare my mask?

This rejuvenating face mask will require the following ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons organic brown rice. You can find this in specialty stores or health food stores, first of all make sure that it is organic, that is, free of pesticides or chemicals, so you get all the natural properties of rice.
  • One and a half tablespoons of distilled water.
  • Two tablespoons avocado.
  • Half a teaspoon of honey.
makeup face

2. How do I prepare my rejuvenating face mask?

  • It is very easy as you can already imagine. What we do first is cook the rice. You use very little rice as you can see, but we want to make sure the mask is freshly made every time as that is the way one can benefit from its effects. Heat the rice until soft and then pour the water from the rice. Save both.
  • What we do now is twist the rice and place it in another container and add the avocado and honey. Use a spoon to stir the mixture well and create a fine, homogeneous paste. When you are ready, apply it to your skin.
  • Let it sit on your face for at least 15 or 20 minutes. Afterwards, use a cotton swab to remove it and wash your face with the rice water that you have previously set aside. This way you will exfoliate and treat the small spots and impurities.
  • As you can see, this face mask of Japanese origin is very thorough, simple and inexpensive. It allows us to take advantage of both the rice itself and rice water. If you prepare this remedy twice a week, you will rejuvenate your face every day. Try it!

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