Recipe For Homemade Oregano Oil And Its Benefits

Although its use is almost always limited to cooking, oregano oil can also have health benefits thanks to its properties. We will tell you how to do it.
Recipe for homemade oregano oil and its benefits

Believe it or not,  homemade oregano oil has benefits that range from helping fight bacteria to reducing inflammation. Did you know about all these wonderful benefits?

In this article you will find out lots of exciting facts about the properties of this plant and how to make the oil.

The benefits of homemade oregano oil

We can usually find oregano in most kitchens. It is actually one of the most popular ingredients when it comes to seasoning recipes. What many people do not know, however, is that in addition to providing flavor , this spice has characteristics and properties that can be very useful to our health when mixed with oil.

Read here to find out more!

Antioxidant potential

According to a study published in  Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity  , the ethanolic extract in oregano has antioxidant activity. Because of this, some experts believe that this spice  may have the potential to delay or prevent oxidation caused by free radicals,  which are responsible for cellular aging.

Oregano in bowl

It can help fight bacteria

Oregano can also be a natural alternative to fighting certain bacteria,  according to an article in the  International Journal of Odontostomatology. Thanks to the antibacterial activity in its content of carvacrol and thymol, this plant can fight against bacteria such as staphylococci and bacillus cereus.

It is worth noting that  it should only be used as a supplement to pharmacological antibiotics and not as a treatment for infections  per se. There is no evidence that its use alone is capable of eliminating bacteria.

It can help prevent viral infections

In addition to its antibacterial effects  , the carvacrol contained in oregano can protect the body against some viral disorders such as norovirus,  according to research published in the  Journal of Applied Microbiology. It is an infection that causes diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain.

How to make oregano oil at home

Now that you know all of its primary benefits, it’s time to get started! The process of making this homemade oregano oil is very simple. In addition, it is a typical product that you should always have on hand, so you can use it in many different ways.


  • 50 grams of oregano leaves
  • 200 ml olive, grape seed or almond oil
  • A glass container with a lid


  • First  , the oregano leaves are washed and allowed to dry.
  • Once dry, they are crushed using a mortar or similar tool. It is to release all the properties of the plant.
  • Put them in the glass container where you want to make your mixture.
  • Pour in the selected oil and cover the oregano leaves completely. Let it stand for a few minutes.
  • Put a pot of water over boiling. When it boils, turn off the flame and put the container with the mixture in it.
  • Leave the container in the water bath for about 10 minutes so that the oil and oregano are mixed.
  • Remove the container from the water, put the lid on and leave it for 2 weeks in a dark, dry place.
  • After that time, the oil is sifted and you will get a delicious homemade oregano oil that is ready to be used.
  • Do not forget that  this oil gives a delicious taste to your dishes in addition to the medicinal uses we have already explained.

How to use oregano oil

Now that we have described how to make the oil, it is time to explain how to apply or apply it.

You can take this oil or apply it directly on the area you want to treat. For example  , for bacterial infections, one should dilute three drops of the mixture in a glass of water and ingest it.

For pain in muscles, arthritis and sprains, you can get the oil on your hands and massage the part of the body that causes pain. If desired, one can also include some essential oils which also provide similar benefits for these disorders.

In addition to this, many people claim  that inhaling it in the form of a vapor can help reduce symptoms of flu. 

When you feel the typical discomfort from the flu or common cold, take three to six drops of the oil before meals or you can use it in an evaporator or a bowl of hot water. It is safe to do it up to three times a day.

Oregano oil in glass bottle

Some recommendations for oregano oil

Before you start taking oregano oil, you will need to make sure that it will not be harmful to your health. Oregano oil is considered safe in most cases and in the right dose. However, there are certain risks for pregnant and lactating women as well as people with allergies to this ingredient.

Excessive intake can cause palpitations, nerve disorders, depression and drowsiness. Remember that there are no miracle cures and it is always best to talk to a doctor  if you suspect a serious problem.

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