Public Hand Dryers Can Be Counterproductive, Say Studies

Did you know that some hand dryers can make your hands dirty again after washing them? Read today’s article and learn more about what the research says about them.
Public hand dryers can be counterproductive, studies say

Public hand dryers are electrical devices that we find in bathrooms at health care facilities, educational institutions, shopping malls and other places where many people move.

As the name suggests, we use them to dry our hands when we have finished washing them. The reason for their existence is about two principles: Economy and ecology. In the long run, they are cheaper than napkins, and the production of them does not require felling trees.

Basically, public hand dryers emit hot air, which comes from the room in which they are sitting, causing the air to circulate. You could say that they recycle and heat the air inside the bathroom.

It is this mode of operation that has led to the question of whether they are safe or not. Evidence found in recent studies has examined public hand dryers, as  they can infect hands that have already been washed.

Hand disinfection

Since we were little, we have heard adults recommend that we wash our hands several times during the day. Before we eat, after being on the toilet, after doing some needlework, after coming in from outside and so on. We now recommend the same things to our children.

In these and other cases, we wash our hands to avoid getting various diseases ranging from colds to hepatitis and diarrhea.

These health disorders are often caused by viruses and bacteria that are on the hands and can come in contact with the mucous membranes. Some are harmless, but other microorganisms become dangerous. And something as simple as washing hands properly is a preventative hygiene measure that we must apply.

By doing so, we not only avoid getting sick ourselves, but we also reduce the chances of spreading infections. It is very important for food retailers and healthcare professionals.

Person washes hands

What do studies say about public hand dryers?

Some time ago, public offices, private companies, and educational and health care institutions decided to remove paper napkins from public bathrooms. This is because paper products produce waste and affect the environment.

As a result, they decided to replace the napkins with public hand dryers. But it seems that this solution is even worse than the problem. What we achieve by washing our hands can be counteracted by the use of hand dryers.

A recent study tested hand dryers in both toilets for men and women at a health facility. This was done to detect bacteria by using plates, which were exposed to the hand dryer for a while.

The results

The results of the research indicated that there are many types of bacteria, including potential pathogens and spores, that can end up in people’s hands when using hand dryers in public bathrooms.

That is, after washing our hands, we infect them with the hot air, which may even contain bacteria from feces.

According to the research, placing a filter in the hand dryers reduced the concentration of bacteria. This led to the conclusion that bacteria are present in the air in the bathrooms. These findings point to the fact that when we pull out the toilet, a certain amount of microbes come out into the air.

Several similar studies have confirmed these findings, indicating that public hand dryers may be a source of bacterial contamination. Another study even compared different methods of drying hands and concluded that the  amount of bakeries was higher for hand dryers with air rather than drying with paper towels.

However, not everyone agrees. Some other studies claim that there is inconclusive evidence, as the data lack important variables needed to know the true risk of infection. Some research even claims that the risk of using public hand dryers is no higher than using paper napkins.

Possible risks when using public hand dryers

It is worth noting that some of the microbes found in the air in bathrooms will not cause disease or affect people’s health. Among them, however, there are also harmful microbes such as staphylococcus aureus.

The presence of acinetobacter has also been detected, which can cause infections in people with weakened immune systems and hospitalized patients. And it’s unsettling, especially when it comes to hand dryers in bathrooms in hospitals, which are used by healthcare professionals.

Finally, we must mention that in addition to those present in the air in the bathrooms,  bacteria on people’s hands are also spread by the effect of the hot air from hand dryers, which works like aerosol.

How can we dry our hands?

You may be wondering if it would be best not to dry your hands at all. That is not the right decision. According to research, bacteria are more likely to be transmitted when the skin is moist.

The first and best solution would be to wipe your hands with a clean towel. You can, of course, do this if you are at home or at work, where you have privacy.

And even in this context, the towels should be washed regularly. In case there are sick people in the home, then it is better to use paper napkins as long as the problem is on.

With regard to public bathrooms, it is recommended to use paper napkins rather than hand dryers, based on the results of most studies. Paper napkins absorb moisture better and help eliminate bacteria that are there after washing hands, reducing levels of infection.

Towels folded neatly together

How to avoid using public hand dryers

Bacteria that come from hand dryers are not a direct cause of illness. In fact, for people with a healthy immune system, it should not be a problem.

There is no doubt that they are a potential risk to sick people or people with weakened immune systems. And we must remember that we do not live alone in this world. On the other hand, we are always in contact with others.

The best thing to do is to wipe our hands with our own towel as long as it is clean. However, when we are out and need to use a public toilet, we face a dilemma.

If there are paper napkins, it is no problem. But if there are only public hand dryers, then the best solution is always to  have a small package of napkins for personal use in your bag or car. That way you will avoid all risks.

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