Natural Remedies For Detoxifying Your Lungs

Often, there is nothing you can do to protect your lungs because the toxins are already part of your environment. However, you can protect yourself at home with natural treatments and remedies that can make your lungs healthier.
Natural remedies to detoxify your lungs

In addition to avoiding contaminated environments when it comes to detoxifying your lungs, it is also important to maintain a balanced diet to get the nutrients needed to strengthen your lungs, as well as quit smoking.

It is important to detoxify your lungs. This is because there are many factors that threaten them according to functioning properly. Among them are lack of exercise, environmental pollution and tobacco smoke.

Often, there is nothing you can do to protect your lungs because the toxins are already part of your environment. However, you can protect yourself at home with natural treatments and remedies that can make your lungs healthier.

Read along.

Advice to detoxify your lungs on a daily basis

Stay away from toxic gases

Avoid the city to detoxify your lungs

Avoiding pollution and toxic gases in the city is virtually impossible. Therefore, it is advisable to  visit natural places that allow you to draw fresh air in on your holidays. 

Stay away from big cities, as much as possible, and take advantage of excursions to the country, visit a campsite, rent a cabin and try to have contact with nature. That way, you can help detoxify your lungs because the fresh air is the best remedy for them.

Do not smoke

Remember that tobacco affects not only you but also those who inhale the smoke.

If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking. However, if you are not, then keep your distance from smokers. You should also  avoid public smoking areas. 

Escape from the smoke is a good habit and your lungs will appreciate it.

Clean the air in your home to detoxify your lungs

Your home also contains harmful particles. Prevent them by  using filters and ventilating every area of ​​your home. That way, you will prevent impurities in a pile up.

In addition, you need to clean your carpets on a regular basis because they store a lot of dust.

Maintain a healthy diet

various fruits, nuts and other natural foods

Be aware that your diet contains fruits and vegetables because they are essential sources of nutrients and they act as antioxidants.

In addition, you need to add ingredients that are rich in vitamin C. A glass of natural citrus juice for breakfast will help you detoxify your lungs and strengthen your immune system. Be aware that you include potassium that comes from dates, bananas, prunes and strawberries.

Drink plenty of water

Two liters of water is ideal, and can even come from decoction. Water is a natural cleanser, and the aromatic herbs in decoctions and teas help eliminate toxins.

Take a steam bath to detoxify your lungs

woman steaming her face

These baths  will help you cough and eliminate the toxins that are in your lungs. 

  • Simply boil the water for 20 minutes, and  inhale the steam  while being aware that you are not burning yourself.
  • To enhance its effect, place a towel over your head so that the steam can be better concentrated. You can also add essential oils.

Also read: Apple cider vinegar against sinus infection

Natural remedies to detoxify your lungs

For best results, follow the habits above, and make the following natural remedies. All are ideal for preventing any condition in your lungs and respiratory tract. Of course, do not forget to  go to the doctor if you think your lungs are in a bad condition. 

1. Tea with horse chestnut

This tea is perfect for fighting asthma, cough and bronchitis. This preparation consists of the same procedure as other decoctions:

  1. In a saucepan of water, add a teaspoon of horse chestnut (15 g) and bring to a boil for about 5 minutes.
  2. Drain it and  drink it once a day. 

2. Liquorice

various spices and roots

Licorice is another ally. It has properties that can  protect your airways. However, you need to be careful if you suffer from high blood pressure.

  1. Add licorice root to a frying pan.
  2. Bring it to a boil for 5 minutes, drain it and drink a glass on a daily basis.

Also read: 5 herbs that prevent chronic fatigue

3. Eucalyptus steam

Eucalyptus is a well-known plant for having properties that can fight diseases of the respiratory system and detoxify your lungs. One of the ways you can use it is by inhaling its vapor.

  1. Add a handful of eucalyptus to boiling water and inhale the steam.
  2. Take long, deep breaths.

It will help you  fight blockages in the roadway passage. It will also help treat coughs, and help you fight constipation in the nose.

4. Medium with turmeric, onion and ginger


  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 1 tbsp. turmeric (15 g)
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tbsp. honey (50 g)
  • 3 tbsp. grated ginger (45 g)


  1. Boil the water.
  2. When it starts to boil, add onions, chopped into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Bring to the boil for another 5 minutes and add the other ingredients.
  4. Keep it over medium heat for about 40 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, remove it from the heat and let it cool. When it is cold, drain it and store it in a glass in the refrigerator.

The way to consume it

  1. Take  two teaspoons before breakfast and dinner. This remedy will help you detoxify your lungs.
  2. Repeat this for 9 days until you feel a difference in your breathing.
  3. If you feel more unwell, see a doctor.

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