Make Homemade Fabric Softener With 5 Easy Steps

This homemade rinse aid is not only environmentally friendly, but it also helps to get rid of excess lime in the washing machine.
Make homemade fabric softener with 5 easy steps

Rinse aid has become one of the most widely used products for laundry. Make a homemade rinse aid with 5 easy steps, read more below.

It protects the fabric on one’s favorite clothes, neutralizes bad smells and leaves the clothes comfortable for the next time one wears them.

There are now many different commercial products available in the market in different sizes, fragrances and prices.

But for those of you who prefer more organic and healthy solutions, there are homemade recipes that you can make with natural ingredients that are both cheap and easy to find.

Below we will share the benefits of doing this, as well as the steps one should follow to make one’s own homemade rinse aid.

Let’s look at it!

Why use homemade fabric softener for your clothes?

Woman washing clothes

Some people think there is no reason to go through the hassle of making a homemade rinse aid when one can just as easily buy something in the supermarket that is ready to use. But it is easy to make and has a number of additional benefits that one should consider.

What we share with you today is good for leaving one’s clothes soft, immaculate and with the color intact.

This is recommended for darker clothes, but it is also excellent for removing stains from sweat, which typically hits white clothes.

Unlike other types of fabric softener, this organic product is excellent for the washing machine because it helps remove lime from the water, along with soap residue and mold.

Because it does not contain chemicals that are harsh on the environment and one’s skin, it is a great alternative for people suffering from allergies or hypersensitivity.

And if this is not enough, it is also a good choice to soften baby clothes and leave them in perfect condition.

It does not contain perfume or harmful substances

Although we almost always ignore it, many of the perfumes and chemicals found in chemical rinse aids can cause health problems.

Although the scent is appealing, these products have been proven to aggravate rhinitis and skin irritation in some people.

As with most other commercial cleaning products, most of their negative side effects can not be noticed right away. These reactions can occur days or even weeks after contact with these substances.

This indicates that they contain phthalates. It is a chemical substance that helps to make the scent last longer. However, studies show that these can cause an imbalance in the hormones.

That is why there is no doubt that organic alternatives are more practical in every way.

If you are convinced, be sure to follow the recipe below when you want to take advantage of these features.

Steps to make a natural homemade rinse aid

Rinse aid

This natural rinse aid uses basic ingredients such as baking soda and clear vinegar. These are known worldwide as a natural cleaning solution.

These two combine their active ingredients and leave the clothes clean and tidy.


  • 500 ml of water
  • 20 ml of vinegar
  • 66 grams of baking soda
  • 6 drops of essential oil, fragrance of your choice

Step 1

Dilute the vinegar with the water and pour it into a container.

Step 2

Carefully add baking soda. Be careful not to spill anything.

Keep in mind that this will cause a bubbling effect that will only be greater if you add all the baking soda at once.

Step 3

Mix it with a spoon and make sure it all dissolves. Then add drops of your favorite essential oil to give it a special scent.

Step 4

Add the rinse aid to your sink, just as you would with commercial products.

Step 5

Follow your regular washing routine. Then spread the clothes out and see the difference.

Some advice to keep in mind

Colored clothes
  • If you want the product to be thicker, you can alternatively add a little hair conditioner to the mixture.
  • If you have stains around the armpits and neck, soak the clothes in this fabric softener for 30 minutes before washing as usual. One can also get clear vinegar on the affected area.
  • To preserve the colors of colored clothes, one can add a cup of vinegar to the last part of his washing routine.

As you can see, you do not have to spend a lot of money or risk your health to wash your clothes and maintain their softness. Try this trick and see the change right away.

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