Lower Cholesterol With These Homemade Recipes

To keep your cholesterol levels stable, you need to take care of your diet, but also combine it with physical activity and a healthy lifestyle in general.
Lower your cholesterol levels with these homemade recipes

Cholesterol is a type of fat found in the blood. Although the body produces all the cholesterol it needs, it is also possible to get cholesterol through food. Some factors such as genetics, age and activity level can affect the risk of developing an elevated cholesterol level, which is harmful to your health. Lower your cholesterol if this happens.

Here we would like to give you some homemade recipes that can help control your cholesterol levels and prevent it from getting too high.

It is clear that good cholesterol levels are essential for living a healthy life. It is an extensive part of the body’s process to use fats in your diet, which are essential for producing cells, bile salts, hormones and vitamin D.

However, too high a cholesterol level is one of the most important risk factors for developing heart disease. If you have high cholesterol, your doctor may recommend certain medications or changes in your lifestyle.

You should also recognize that almost all fruits and vegetables help reduce the level of bad cholesterol  because they contain soluble fiber which absorbs the cholesterol in your diet.

That said, let’s take a look at some great recipes that can help you control your cholesterol levels.

Check and lower cholesterol levels with 5 homemade recipes

Lower cholesterol levels with coconut oil

If you want to use a remedy to lower high cholesterol, you should know that it is possible to do this using many homemade recipes. They can definitely help you achieve your goal of leading a healthier life.

1. Lower cholesterol levels with coconut oil

First, look at coconut oil, which is an important ingredient in managing high cholesterol.

Coconut oil is known to  increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood. This helps the body reduce the level of bad cholesterol and also protects you from heart disease to help you keep your weight under control.

  • To reap the incredible benefits, just add coconut oil to your favorite dishes and salads  in moderation.
  • You can even replace your cooking oil with coconut oil. Alternatively, you can eat a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning.

2. Grapefruit juice

It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice 1 to 2 times a day, preferably after each meal. Keep in mind that grapefruit juice is a rich source of protein and nutrients that have amazing benefits for your health.

Grapefruit also provides your body with a large amount of vitamin C, fiber and minerals such as magnesium and potassium. The strong antioxidant potential of grapefruit along with its excellent nutrients make it an ideal choice for managing high cholesterol.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Next, there is apple cider vinegar. You should know that apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid and pectin. Thus, while acetic acid helps you lose the unwanted body weight associated with high cholesterol, bad cholesterol binds to the pectin of apple cider vinegar and your body will eliminate it from your body.


  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar (15 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Honey (to taste)

Here’s how you do it

  • Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix well.
  • If you want, you can add a little bit of honey to the mixture.
  • Mix it well and drink it immediately.
  • It is recommended that you drink this solution once a day or every other day to get the best out of its good benefits.

4. Lemon juice

lower cholesterol with lemon juice

Lemon juice is a  rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. This makes it an effective means of lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the body and promoting weight loss.


  • ½ lemon, pressed
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Honey (to taste)

Here’s how you do it

  1. Add a half-squeezed lemon to a glass of warm water.
  2. Mix well and add a little honey.
  3. It is recommended to try to drink the mixture immediately.
  4. Ideally, you should  drink a glass once a day, preferably every morning on an empty stomach.

5. Green tea

Finally, you should know that green tea is a rich source of polyphenols. These compounds provide enormous benefits to human health. In fact, green tea has the highest concentration of polyphenols, which are not only associated with lowering cholesterol but also innumerable other health benefits.


  • tablespoon green tea  (15 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • Honey (to taste)

Here’s how you do it

  • Heat the water to boiling point.
  • When it boils, turn down the heat and add green tea.
  • Let it stand over low heat for 5 minutes and then remove it.
  • Once the tea has cooled a bit, you can add a little honey.
  • It is best to  drink it while it is still hot.

Keep in mind that your daily diet plays an equally important role in achieving and maintaining your health goals. You can manage the control of a high cholesterol level effectively with good nutrition, regular exercise and lead an overall healthy lifestyle.

Lower cholesterol levels with these healthy habits. Thanks to this list of homemade recipes, you will be able to control your high cholesterol!

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