Is It Okay To Eat Yogurt During Diarrhea?

Yogurt is characterized by its content of probiotics, vitamins and minerals. Despite being a dairy product, it seems to be useful in case of diarrhea. Read on to find out why!
Is it okay to eat yogurt during diarrhea?

Many people, especially those with frequent digestive problems, wonder if it is a good idea to consume yogurt during diarrhea. Diarrhea is usually a sign of a  change in the intestinal microbiota. At the same time, it is associated with stress or a specific infections.

In any case, diet plays a role in dealing with this problem. It even prevents other complications from popping up, although it is sometimes necessary to supplement it with medication.

In terms of consuming yogurt, several evidences show that it is a useful food as long as it does not contain sugar. Yogurt is a nutritious food with probiotic effects, which promotes the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. What else should one know about it? Read on to find out!

Yogurt is a source of probiotics

One of the primary characteristics of yogurt is that  it has an important content of bacteria (lactobacillus to be more specific). These microorganisms are able to settle in the intestinal tract, which helps reduce the risk of developing metabolic diseases.

According to research published in the journal Nutrients  , a regular intake of probiotic bacteria helps reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes as well as other types of cardiovascular disease.

There are several methods available to ensure a constant supply of bacteria that are beneficial to the intestines. The first, of course, is supplements with probiotics. In this case, it is best to choose single-stranded products with a high content of bacteria, which can guarantee that they reach the areas of the intestines in which they must settle.

It is also possible to introduce these microorganisms into the digestive system through regular  intake of fermented products  such as yogurt and kefir.

Yogurt during diarrhea can be helpful

Intake of yogurt during diarrhea

As mentioned earlier, diarrhea is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract that can have various causes. Most of them are about an imbalance in the intestinal microbiota. For this reason, one can help change this process if one ensures regular supply of beneficial bacteria.

In addition, a study conducted with children showed that taking probiotics is able to prevent and treat diarrhea caused by taking antibiotics. This research used grants to achieve the results reported. However, it is also possible to give yogurt regularly to prevent the occurrence of disorders in the intestines.

In general, it is quite common for healthcare professionals to recommend patients  undergoing antibiotic treatment  to drink yogurt. This advice has a clear purpose: to increase the protection of the microbiota against the wear and tear that medication can cause.

If there is no protection against it, there may be an increased risk of processes related to dysbiosis and the occurrence of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intake of yogurt reduces diarrhea associated with stress

Believe it or not, stress is capable of leading to the occurrence of diarrhea or other disorders of the intestines. An article published in  The Chinese Medical Journal  explains how close the relationship between the central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract really is.

A change in one of the two systems can therefore directly affect the other. That way, any process of stress or emotional disturbance is able to make the risk of suffering from diarrhea much higher.

In addition, in order to reduce the incidence of emotional disorders, it is recommended to take good care of its intestinal flora and  improve its lifestyle. Intake of yogurt rich in probiotics can also protect against mood swings.

Intake of kefir or supplementation of probiotics also works very well. However, there is a big difference between the two: the taste. Not many people like kefir because of its consistency and sour taste, while yogurt is typically quite sweet.

Of course, it is important to look at the labels and choose a product that does not contain any added sugar. Otherwise, one would consume poor quality yogurt, which can adversely affect one’s metabolic health and blood sugar levels.

Woman with stomach ache

It is perfectly okay to consume yogurt during diarrhea

Intake of yogurt during diarrhea can improve the symptoms of this process and  promote the healing process. Yet we will have to strike something firm. It is not necessary to have diarrhea before one starts to include this food regularly in his diet.

Yogurt is actually recommended in most diet plans. The reason for this is that they provide probiotics, healthy fatty acids and protein. In addition, they provide calcium and other essential minerals that promote well-being.

However, it is essential to remember to check the product label to confirm that it is a good quality product. Not all yogurt products on the market are real yogurt. Some contain too much sugar and have little or no nutritional value.

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