Is Corn Oil A Healthy Choice?

Corn oil contains large amounts of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, which can have significant health benefits.
Is corn oil a healthy choice?

Cooking oil is a basic part of the diet. Variation and consumption of these oils depends on the availability in the individual countries and regions. Thus, there are corn oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, soybean oil and many others.

The use of these oils is the reason for the high demand and the high consumption in different countries, whether it is for spices for food, industrial and household frying processes or their many uses in confectionery.

Manufacture of corn oil

It is derived from the grinding of this grain, which is of American origin and one of the most important crops in the whole world. It was the first cereal to undergo a rapid and important technological change in the way it is grown. This is because it has adapted to a wide range of different environments.

This oil is produced by wet grinding, where the various constituents of the grain are separated in an aqueous medium. These are:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Lipids.

To do this, the corn kernel undergoes a maceration process in hot sulfur water to soften the kernel before it enters the mill. The soft pieces then reach the mills and separators, where you separate the germ and extract the oil from it.

It is important to mention that the corn kernel contains between 3 and 5% oil, of which 25-30% is found in the germ.

Corn oil and fresh corn cobs

Chemical composition

In general, corn oil consists of 98% unsaturated fatty acids and a low content of saturated fatty acids. It also contains large amounts of vitamin E, which gives it antioxidant properties.

These are the most important unsaturated fats:

  • Oleic acid.
  • Linoleic acid (LA).
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

The oleic and linoleic acid-containing fats belong to the omega 3 family and are those found in the majority, 24% and 62% respectively. These are the ones with the most benefits.

Is corn oil healthy?

This type of oil offers many health benefits thanks to its high content of vitamin E. This vitamin provides stability by preventing rancidity and protecting the other constituents of the oil. It is also a source of essential fatty acids for the body and contains low levels of saturated fatty acids and high levels of natural antioxidants.

Health benefits

The high content of linoleic acid offers great advantages, as it is necessary for many functions such as:

  • Skin health.
  • Integrity of cell membranes.
  • The immune system.
  • Synthesis of eicosanoids necessary for cardiovascular and renal function and prevention of certain diseases.
Corn oil in glass

According to a study published in Venezuela in 2010, corn oil in the diet also increases the absorption of other fatty acids and also of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A and D.

As if that were not enough, several studies have shown that corn oil has an effect on lowering blood cholesterol levels. This is especially true of bad cholesterol. In addition, there is evidence of its importance for children’s growth and neurological development.

Other benefits

In addition to its benefits, people largely accept and appreciate this oil for its mild taste and high smoking point. That is why it is perfect for frying. In addition, it is cheap in some high-production countries, such as the United States and Argentina.

In addition, there are many genetic modifications that help improve corn kernels today. It makes it possible to obtain a better oil. These properties are present as long as people do not overheat the oil during the production process. This is because too high temperatures can change its composition.

Conclusion on corn oil

In conclusion, corn oil, as we have mentioned above, contains many nutrients that help to improve health in several respects thanks to the high content of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.

However, we must not forget that it is not recommended to consume oil in large quantities. This is because it has a high calorie intake. Therefore, you need to consume it in moderation.

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