Incredible Natural Remedies That Help Cleanse Your Kidneys

In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can use other natural ingredients that promote frequent urination and cleansing of all toxins and wastes to cleanse your kidneys.
Incredible natural remedies that help cleanse your kidneys

Your kidneys are very important organs because they control the chemical balances in the blood and ensure hormone production. That’s why here we share some incredible natural remedies to cleanse your kidneys.

Why do the kidneys get sick?

Kidney stones are common. According to a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings magazine, the number of people who have suffered from them has increased. This is largely due to the hectic life that people often have today.

People do not drink enough water or replace it with dye-containing beverages and beverages with artificial flavors that do not provide nutrients. The kidneys do not work well under these conditions.

Therefore, urine crystals are formed , which eventually turn into stones. These stones cause kidney pain, which worsens when you go to the toilet.

Means to cleanse your kidneys

It is best to find a treatment that can and will gradually dissolve these kidney stones. You can prepare natural remedies that will help you cleanse your kidneys from your home.

Doctor with kidney

Stinging nettle tea

Nettle is a drug used to cleanse toxins and protect the kidneys. We recommend drinking this tea twice a day to cleanse the blood and reduce the toxins that accumulate in the kidneys.


  • 1 tablespoon nettle (15 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)


  • Heat the water and remove it from the heat. Add the tablespoon of nettle when it boils.
  • Drink one cup in the morning and another in the afternoon. This drink will help you reduce kidney inflammation.

Parsley tea

While many people use parsley to prepare meals at home, others use it to cleanse the kidneys.


  • 1 tablespoon parsley (15 g)
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


  • Heat the water and add the parsley when it reaches its boiling point.
  • Turn off the heat and let the mixture stand for 25 minutes to get a more concentrated tea.
  • Then add the honey to soften the taste of parsley, which can be unpleasant for many people. Remember to mix well.
  • Pour the tea into a glass bottle and drink it throughout the day for at least three days.

Lemon juice

This is one of the really good remedies to get rid of kidney stones and the pain that they cause. Lemon is a fruit with many health benefits, and along with other ingredients, it is often recommended as a possible treatment for several health problems.


  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (30 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice (60 ml)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar (15 ml)


  • Mix olive oil with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • After half an hour, mix the remaining lemon juice with the water and a tablespoon of cider vinegar.
  • You can now drink the mixture. It will help reduce the symptoms caused by kidney stones as it will loosen them gradually.
  • We recommend repeating the process daily until you no longer feel kidney discomfort.

Hand squeezing lemon juice into a bowl

Doctor-Hollyhock Tea

The medicinal hollyhock plant has diuretic properties that lead to an increase in urination. This medicinal plant helps cleanse the kidneys by washing your waste out of the body and helping to remove the toxins that accumulate there over time.


  • 2 tablespoons doctor-hollyhock roots and leaves (30 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)


  • Heat the water and add the two tablespoons of Læge-Stokrose when it boils.
  • Remove from the heat and let stand and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the tea from the roots and leaves and drink two cups of this tea a day for 7 days to see the results.

Celery Juice

Like the medicinal hollyhock plant, celery has diuretic properties that help eliminate all toxins. It also helps increase urination, which helps eliminate waste. Therefore, celery is also a good remedy when you prevent kidney stones and infections.


  • 3 tablespoons celery sticks (45 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Clean the celery sticks well, chop them and put them in the blender together with the water.
  • After mixing the drink, let it stand for a while at an even room temperature. You should drink a glass of celery juice daily for at least a month because it will gradually cleanse your kidneys.

You can use these remedies to supplement a kidney cleanse, but water will always be the key to being healthy. Remember to drink approx. 2 liters of water a day. Water has many benefits for your body and will help you keep your kidneys healthy if you drink enough of it.

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