How To Wash Fruits And Vegetables

Although many people often peel fruits and vegetables before eating them, they should always be washed afterwards to prevent bacteria from the peel from contaminating the pulp.
How to wash fruits and vegetables

It is extremely important to eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. D hese food supplies us with a lot of nutrients that help the body to perform essential functions. In addition to contributing to a healthy immune system, which improves our resistance to disease.

The best way to eat fruit is in their natural, raw stage,  or in juices that do not contain any additives or preservatives. Some vegetables are also best raw. While you know other vegetables get the most out of their healthy properties by first steaming them or boiling them in a little water.

Although these foods have an incredible number of good properties, their outdoor cultivation often involves a lot of pollution of the environment. In addition, many pesticides and chemicals are often used on farms. Even when they are for sale in the supermarket, they come in contact with bacteria in the hands of employees and customers.

Methods for washing and disinfecting fruits and vegetables

  • Vinegar is one of the best disinfectants for  fruits and vegetables as it it removes harmful bacteria from the surface and makes the foods last longer. Vinegar also has antioxidant properties. Add a cup of vinegar to a bowl of water. Leave your vegetables in this mix for 20 minutes before use.
  • A mixture of vinegar and lemon can also contribute to a healthy preservation of fruit. Combine vinegar, water and lemon in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 in a spray bottle and let the fruit soak in this mix. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then clean with clean water.
  • Natural soaps are also good disinfectants ,. However, it should only be used in small amounts and always thoroughly cleaned after use to remove all soap residues that could change the taste.
  • One can also mix water with five drops of tea tree oil and let fruits and vegetables soak in this mixture for a few minutes to disinfect them. Let them dry well afterwards.

Remember these tips

Vegetables being washed
  • To remove remnants of bacteria, one should wash each fruit or vegetable thoroughly before eating it. F ea preparation should ensure that all containers and utensils have been cleaned and are free of contaminants.  Also, always remember to wash your hands thoroughly before starting cooking.
  • Avoid using chemicals or hot water while cleaning fruits and vegetables. This can cause some of them to lose some of their good nutrients 
  • It is not always a good idea to peel fruit or vegetables before use, because in many cases the peel contains good nutrients that are important for health. That said, you should always wash your peeled vegetables, as bacteria that sit on the peel can still come in contact with the vegetable flesh and contaminate it.
  • When cleaning vegetables such as lettuce or cabbage, you should throw out the outer leaves, most of the bacteria are sitting there. Then you should wash each leaf separately, to remove any traces of insect waste and chemicals.
  • It is very important to make sure that the fruits, vegetables and other foods you eat are completely free of bacteria that can cause infections or disease. Eating foods that have not been thoroughly cleaned can have negative side effects. And change the natural balance of the digestive system, which can cause diarrhea or food poisoning. Therefore, it is very important to always have good hygiene during the disinfection and preparation of foods.

Raw fruits and vegetables provide the body with lots of good nutrients, such as proteins, minerals, vitamins and other substances, which can be lost during cooking. However, contact with chemicals and bacteria can remove some of the good nutrients, so instead of avoiding eating the foods raw, one should just follow the above recommendations to remove these harmful substances and improve the overall health of the body.

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