How To Roast Chickpeas In The Oven

Have you ever tried roasting chickpeas in the oven? We need to teach you how to cook them in a very simple way so that you can enjoy them to the fullest.
How to roast chickpeas in the oven

You can roast chickpeas in the oven as an excellent way to improve their organoleptic properties. This way, it will be easier to include legumes in your diet. It is important to keep in mind that experts recommend consuming them at least once or twice a week.

Legumes are foods that stand out due to their high nutritional density. However, it is important to cook them the right way. Otherwise, they can cause indigestion. People who suffer from frequent bowel problems may experience certain ailments, such as flatulence.

Recipe for roasting chickpeas in the oven

We give you step-by-step instructions on how to roast chickpeas in the oven. You need to keep in mind that these products stand out for their high fiber content. This element has the ability to reduce constipation, according to a study published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics .


  • A pinch of cumin
  • 1 teaspoon curry
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2.5 dl raw chickpeas
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon sweet pepper. It is also possible to use strong peppers.
Dried chickpeas and fresh chickpeas

Step-by-step instructions for roasting chickpeas

The first thing you need to do is soak the chickpeas for 24 hours. This way they get hydrated and the subsequent cooking is easier. It also makes the digestion of the legumes easier.

When the time has elapsed, the oven must be preheated to 200 degrees. The chickpeas are placed in a bowl and the rest of the ingredients are added while stirring so that everything is mixed.

Then place the chickpeas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Be sure to place them in the center of the oven and toast them for about 40 minutes.

It is important to give a light toasting on the outside so that their organoleptic properties are improved. When the time is up, they are ready for you to enjoy them!

Ideas to include roasted chickpeas in other dishes

One of the benefits of roasting chickpeas is that they can be added to many other recipes and thus improve the final result. We will show you a few options.

Salad with roasted chickpeas

According to a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology , it is important to increase the consumption of vegetables as this reduces the risk of developing complex diseases. Salad with roasted chickpeas is a good way to ensure an intake of vegetables.

The preparation is very simple. In a bowl, combine lettuce, tomato, grilled chicken and peppers. Then add the roasted chickpeas. The cooking can even be accompanied by a sauce, although this increases the energy density.

2. Sauteed roasted chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas can also be included in a host of sautéed dishes with different vegetables. An example here is with spinach, mushrooms, asparagus and legumes. Thanks to this kind of dish, a good supply of antioxidants is ensured.

It is even possible to use seafood to prepare this type of sautéed food, such as shrimp. They go well with roasted chickpeas, and peppers can be added to enhance the final result even more.

3. You can roast chickpeas as a snack to eat between meals

Another benefit of roasted chickpeas is that they can be eaten between meals as a snack. In this case, you will get a healthy snack with a high fiber and protein content. In addition, they are foods that stand out for their concentration of essential minerals, such as iron.

They can be easily transported, which means they can be eaten anywhere. It is an option that is likely to please the whole family as it is much healthier than an industrial ultra-processed food.

The result of roasting chickpeas

You can roast chickpeas at home

It is easy to roast chickpeas. You just need some time to ensure that the soaking and baking processes are carried out smoothly. But the process itself is easy.

We recommend that you try this recipe to enjoy a different way of eating legumes. Do not limit yourself when it comes to introducing roasted chickpeas in other dishes as they add a crispy touch that will go well with almost any ingredient.

Remember that legumes hold up well, both at room temperature and in the fridge. It is important to store them in a closed container so that they do not lose their texture or become soft over time.

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