How To Plant Blueberries At Home

Blueberries are not only amazing in pies, but they are also beneficial to your health. In this article we will tell you how to plant them at home.
How to plant blueberries at home

The bluish color of blueberries is almost as appealing as their distinctive taste. This extremely delicious fruit grows from a medium-sized shrub. If you are eager to get your own shrub, read this article! We show you how to easily plant blueberries at home.

This fruit grows on a Vaccinium genus shrub. Blueberries are one of the most popular fruits due to its taste, which is why it is a coveted ingredient in many recipes.

In addition, it has many beneficial health benefits.

Properties of blueberries

There are many health benefits of blueberries

Blueberries are extremely nutritious fruits. They stand out due to their content of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron and calcium. These berries are especially well known due to the natural antioxidant pigments they contain.

Blueberries have the following health benefits:

  • Their antioxidants, anthocyanins and carotenoids help with the formation of bones and teeth, as well as with the production of red blood cells and iron absorption. They also neutralize harmful substances.
  • In addition, their potassium boosts the functions of the muscular system as well as the functions of the nervous system.
  • Their fibers help regulate the intestinal flora.
  • The vitamins that blueberries contain boost your immune system, which means that this fruit can reduce your risk of disease. Their antiseptic effects also help fight infections caused by bacteria.
  • As pregnant women need to take vitamins, blueberries are strongly recommended during pregnancy.

How to plant blueberries at home

Because of all that we explained above, it is very beneficial of planting blueberries at home. But how to do? And what considerations should one make?

Here are some tips to help you.

Plant pots

The type and size will depend on how you begin the cultivation process. If you are starting with seeds, you will need a small container. However, if you are using a seedling, use a small plant pot.

When your shrub starts to grow, you will need a larger plant pot, or you will need to plant it in the ground. After the third or fourth year, your bush will be able to be in a pot of about 60-70 liters.

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The earth

Blueberry plants prefer acidic soil, preferably with a pH of 4.5. 

You can use additives such as compost, sulfur or peat to make the soil more acidic. Cotton seeds and conifer compost also make the soil more acidic.

Follow these steps to plant blueberries at home

  • You must first place a thick napkin in a small container and add some water. Then place some seeds in the container.
  • Plant the seeds one by one in the ground. Then cover them.
  • Water the plant every day, making sure it is always moist.
  • You must place the plant pot in a well-lit place where it is protected from the wind. 
  • The soil must be turned to ensure proper oxygen addition to the plant as well as drainage.
  • Once you have planted the seeds, you can make ground cover with branches, oak leaves or pine leaves. This will help prevent weeds, retain moisture and keep the soil acidic.

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Special care

Plant your own blueberries in the garden

Avoid placing too many seeds in the same plant pot, as the blueberry plant needs space to grow properly. The soil should also be sufficiently moist when planting the seeds. 

As the plant grows, move it to a larger pot, or directly into the ground. When doing this, be sure to moisturize the roots completely so that they do not suffer in the process. We recommend that you put them in a bucket of water for about 10 minutes before planting them again. When you have finished transplanting them, wet the soil where you planted them.

Lastly, keep in mind that blueberries grow best in cool weather. It is a plant that adapts to the cold, even in extreme temperatures. But the plant suffers from the heat. Make sure you really care for it in hot weather and that you do not leave it in the sun.

As you can see, planting blueberries at home is pretty easy. Since blueberries contain many health benefits, it will be an excellent idea. And it’s a fun hobby!

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