How To Motivate A Partner Who Does Not Want To Work

When your partner does not want to work, it can affect the harmony of the whole household. To avoid major conflicts, it is important to resolve the situation as soon as possible.
Here's how to put one together for use with your partner

Wondering how to motivate a partner who does not want to work?

Of course, work and personal frustrations can negatively affect a person. Often, a relationship during these moments can experience difficulties. In case a person is not willing to work, it  can cause not only marital problems but also financial challenges.

While this may seem like an impossible situation, it is not impossible that it could happen.

Only when the relationship is at its worst do you really see how a person reacts to an unhappy situation. Therefore, it is important to be able to learn to focus on the most positive part of the possible situation. Otherwise, the problem only gets more and more negative for you as a couple.

How to motivate a partner who does not want to work

1. Be patient when you want to motivate a partner

It can certainly be frustrating to have your partner at home all the time and not be being a job seeker. Keep in mind, however, that it is important to remain calm and avoid quarrels. This is probably not your partner’s first choice, and it can also hurt his or her confidence.

You need to give your partner some time to regain his energy. However, remember to be aware of his or her reactions. It is  perfectly normal for your partner to be nervous or in a bad mood.

In fact, your partner may even feel like a burden to the family as one who does not contribute financially. Try not to add more than necessary to his or her stress.

2. Identify the underlying cause

Man on beach is depressed and rests head on knees

While it may seem difficult,  the only way to solve these problems is by talking about them. Only in this way can you discover the underlying reasons why your partner does not have a desire or desire to look for work.

Sometimes the  difficulty of finding a job (such as age, experience, abilities, etc.) can cause depression. Other times, people do not know what they want, so instead they choose to do nothing.

It may also be the case that your partner is comfortable and does not intend to enter the workforce or be productive anytime soon. The important thing is to  identify why your partner does not want to work, to help him or her solve the problem. 

3. To redistribute domestic duties

Even if your partner does not want to work, leaving them alone is not a solution. You can redistribute the household chores so that your partner gets more tasks, and makes him or her feel involved and productive. This should be proposed as a cooperative measure.

Duties in the house will help your partner keep going and also teach your partner to value time in a different way. This is also beneficial for you because you can use this new leisure time as a way to get a handle on your own work or other tasks that may have ended up piling up.

It is likely that after a while your partner will go back to work and start job search again. But sometimes  new social interactions and contacts are needed to motivate a partner.

4. Motivate a partner

The best way to motivate a partner is by strengthening their self-esteem and reminding them of their own abilities by praising them or giving them signs of love. We can help them prepare for job interviews without being too pushy.

It is a good opportunity to show your partner that while nothing is easy, it is not impossible either. The best advice is not to worry all the time, and instead start small and set small goals.

For example, a good goal is to start by getting a part-time job, a temporary job or a job in another area. While this may not look like the ideal start, it is a start and it will help get your partner’s motivation back.

5. Talk about how it affects family dynamics

Woman trying to motivate a partner

It is extremely important to talk about how this situation is affecting your family as a whole.

One thing you need to talk about is your expectations of how long your partner really thinks he or she will be out of work. Another thing to talk about is limiting the family budget to avoid going into deficit, getting into debt or ending up in other difficult financial situations.

The most important thing about having these difficult conversations is to have a positive perspective, be diplomatic and present these solutions as temporary proposals that are flexible.

What if my partner still does not want to work?

There are some people who simply have no interest in working. Some people feel more comfortable and happy about being dependent on another person financially. They follow their own routine with little worries, just like a child.

If so,  it is best to seek professional advice. If after some time there are no improvements or attempts to find a job on the part of your partner, the best option is probably to leave them.

A successful relationship requires both people to work as a team, be mature and grow, thrive together and give their best. A life partner who has no desire to grow will only negatively impact your life and your success.

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