How To Make Your Own Homemade Astringents

One of the best astringents available for people with oily skin is sunflower oil. It helps reduce oil while refreshing the face.
How to make your own homemade astringents

Astringents have the ability to renew and give strength to our skin while reducing pores, oil and signs of fatigue. Therefore, if you want to have a really beautiful and radiant face, do not hesitate to try the homemade astringents presented below.

The necessary ingredients for this skin toning agent are: 1/4 cup juice from apples, 2 tablespoons of vodka (30 ml. Or 1 oz.) And two tablespoons of witch hazel. If you do not want to use vodka, add two extra tablespoons of witch hazel. Mix thoroughly and apply with a cotton swab on the face.

Make an infusion from this plant with a handful of leaves and a cup of boiling water (remember that a cup is about 240 ml.). Cover it and let it cool, strain it and dip a cotton swab in it and apply with circular motions on the skin. Do not remove it until it is completely absorbed.


Lemons have many beneficial properties to help remove blemishes on the skin and at the same time close the pores.  Just mix the juice of half a lemon with a little water. Apply it with a cotton swab and wash afterwards with cold water. This is an excellent recipe for men after shaving because it disinfects and protects the skin. It is not recommended to use this trick during the day or to expose the skin to sunlight afterwards, as lemon tends to stain the skin if exposed to sunlight. It is better to use the treatment in the evening or a day when you have no plans to leave the house.

Cucumber is one of the most widely used ingredients in cosmetics and beauty products due to its wonderful properties. It is very beneficial for the health of the skin. Cut a few slices of cucumber, as cold as possible (recently taken out of the fridge), and place them on your face. Put them over your eyes too. Let it work for half an hour. It is perfect for relaxing after a stressful day.

Raspberry tea has many benefits that no women should miss. You can buy it in tea bags or even make it by boiling together a few raspberry leaves and fruits. Let it cool, cover it, strain it and dip a cotton swab in it. Scrub lightly on your face until it is completely absorbed.


This very delicious fruit is also very good for the beauty of our skin. Just cut out a few pieces of the fruit and rub it on your face. Let the juice work for about 20 minutes and wash afterwards with warm water. You will enjoy a tighter and softer skin in no time.

The ingredients for this recipe are 1/8 cup (30 ml. Or 1 oz) apple cider vinegar, a pill of aspirin and warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and afterwards dip a cotton swab and moisten your face with it. Let it dry.

For this recipe, use a slice of papaya, a tablespoon of rose water (15 ml.) And a tablespoon of real honey (25 g.). As with the astringent of peach, papaya has a natural exfoliating effect and at the same time helps to renew the skin. Honey is antiseptic and moisturizing; and the rose water reduces the aging of the skin.

Mash the papaya until it has a consistency like a puree and mix it with the other ingredients. Store it in the refrigerator and let it cool. Apply it later with two fingers, twice a day (morning and evening) and let it work for a maximum of five minutes. Rinse with warm water.

The ingredients you need for this recipe to get an astringent for oily skin are a slice of pineapple, half a red apple, five green grapes, four tablespoons of chamomile tea and four tablespoons of rose water. Place the fruits in a blender (only pineapple needs to be peeled), add rose water, blend thoroughly and then add chamomile. Moisten a piece of cotton wool and apply it on your face with small circular motions. Let it work for five minutes and remove it with warm water.

Eat fruit

The ingredients you will need in this case are four lemons, two oranges, one cucumber, two apples, four tablespoons of white alcohol (64 ml.) And four tablespoons (60 ml.) Of rose water. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruits, peel the cucumber and the apples. Mix all the fruits in a blender, add the alcohol and rose water. When it becomes a homogeneous mass, pour it into a sterilized glass bottle. Put it in the fridge for two hours. Shake it and apply on the skin. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.

This recipe is recommended for people with oily skin. You will need half a glass of water (125 ml.), Half a glass of white vinegar and a tablespoon (15 ml.) Of sunflower oil. Boil the water and add the vinegar along with the oil. Shake well to mix well. It is perfect to use after an in-depth cleansing of the skin. It will help you refresh your face and remove oil.

Lemon and olive oil cure

Grind a tablespoon of mint leaves in a mortar. Put it in a bowl and add a cup (250 ml.) Of boiling water, let it sit for ten minutes and strain it. Apply it to your face when it is cold with a piece of cotton wool.

Put 25 grams of yarrow flowers in a bowl. Pour half a liter of boiling water into the bowl. Cover it and let it sit for a few hours. Say it later and apply it to your face with a cotton swab. The properties of yarrow are similar to those of mint. Both are excellent for the face.


Put 150 grams of ripe, peeled tomatoes in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, as well as 30 grams of glycerin. Apply this on the face as if it were a mask. And now that you’ve made it, you can keep it in the fridge and invite some friends over for a spa day.

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