How To Make A Delicious Strawberry Cake

Dessert is the perfect end to a great dinner. In this article you will learn how to make a delicious strawberry cake so that you can surprise all your guests.
How to make a delicious strawberry cake

Imagine this: You are home alone and you are bored. You decide to cook something. You do not feel like a salty dish and you love desserts – especially the cold desserts. Does this sound familiar? If the answer is yes, then we will tell you how to make a delicious strawberry cake.

These recipes are perfect ways for you to enjoy the delicious taste of strawberries.

How to make a classic delicious strawberry cake

Homemade delicious strawberry shortcake ready to serve

This strawberry cake will impress your friends and family because of its delicious fruit flavor and sweetness.

Strawberries are a versatile fruit. They can be used for many different recipes, which can be anything from delicious smoothies to sauces. In addition, they can be customized and they always give recipes a fresh touch.

The best thing about this delicious strawberry cake recipe is that you can customize it to your taste, your preferences and special needs. Just unleash your imagination!


  • 360 g strawberries
  • 125 ml of water
  • 240 g cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp. butter (15 g)
  • 4 tbsp. sugar (60 g)
  • 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 can condensed milk

Course of action 

1. Use a hand mixer to mix jordbærene, water, sugar and lemon juice together until you get a smooth mixture without lumps. You should not say the mixture.

2. Then pour the mixture into a mold and put it in the fridge for at least 40 minutes. 

3. Mix the condensed milk, cornstarch and butter in a bowl.

Then heat the ingredients on the stove in a small saucepan until they are mixed together.

5. It is important that you stir constantly and that you make sure to turn off the hob when the mixture is boiling. 

6. Then halve some strawberries that you will need to decorate the strawberry cake with later.

7. Take the mold out of the fridge and pour the mixture you just made on top.

8. Decorate the top of your cake with the strawberry slices.

9. Put your strawberry shortcake back in the fridge for about four hours. Then the cake can be enjoyed!

Recipe for strawberry cake with whipped cream

Bowl of whipped cream

To make this version of delicious strawberry shortcake, use whipped cream (40-42%).

Although whipped cream tastes as delicious as condensed milk as we suggest in the first recipe, you will surely notice a difference in the consistency of this recipe.

In addition, you should also use cookies and vanilla extract in this recipe. Make sure you give this delicious alternative a try!


  • 1 box of vanilla cookies (485 g)
  • 1 carton of cream (370 g)
  • 480 g strawberries
  • 120 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. vanilla extract (30 ml)

Course of action 

Start by mixing whipped cream with sugar in a bowl with a whisk. You can also add a tablespoon of vanilla extract to the mixture.

2. Then cut the strawberries into thin and round slices.

Now gather the cake in a dish in this order: A layer of vanilla cookies, a layer of strawberries and a layer of whipped cream.

4. Repeat until you run out of ingredients.

5. Finally, put the strawberry shortcake in the fridge for about four hours. Then your cake will be ready!

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