How To Get Rid Of Candidiasis

Candidiasis is an infection caused by the candida fungus. It can become chronic or recurrent if not treated properly.
How to get rid of candidiasis

Both prevention and medication are the best ways to treat candidiasis. In general, you will see positive results relatively quickly. But the disorder often comes back, especially when you have not addressed the related factors.

Candidiasis is an infection caused by any of the varieties of the “candida” fungus. This infection affects the mucous membranes of your body, such as your mouth or genitals. So people with diabetes, AIDS or pregnant women have the greatest risk of suffering from it.

Treatment of candidiasis is a four-part process : diagnose it quickly and early; addresses any existing related conditions and factors; identify the type of infection it is and finally treat it with the correct medication.

Diagnosis: A crucial element in the treatment of candidiasis

The first step in treating candidiasis consists of a correct diagnosis. Many people resort to over-the-counter medications before making sure they have this infection. In fact, two-thirds of all people with similar infections make this mistake.

Petri dish with bacteria

Using the wrong medication can make the infection resistant and harder to treat. You can find relief from the symptoms, but the condition holds back.

It is best not to take on things straight from appearances or take advice from uninformed persons. Seeing a doctor is a much better idea. If they suspect mucosal or cutaneous candidiasis, they will swab it and analyze it under a microscope.

Candidiasis of the kidney or intestines is diagnosed through urine or stool tests. If systemic candidiasis is suspected, a biopsy will be necessary. With signs of sepsis, or in other words, fungus in the blood, a doctor will perform a test with a series of blood tests.

Deal with related factors

The second step in treating candidiasis is to gain control over factors that may be related to this condition. People with diabetes or AIDS are more vulnerable. But people who have had high doses of antibiotics or steroids in their blood are also at risk. Likewise, pregnant women and anyone who has weakened immune systems can get it.


The most important steps to take are as follows:

  • Changing your diet. Mushrooms are nourished by sugar, fermented foods, vinegar and other mushrooms. Therefore, it is a good idea to avoid processed foods like white sugar, refined flour and anything with sugar, alcohol or vinegar.
  • Consume acidophilus. This is a bacterium that is considered probiotic. It finds its way into the gut as well as the vagina and protects you from harmful microorganisms. You can find it in powder form, liquid, capsules and foods like yogurt or kefir.

Treatment of candidiasis obviously requires strict hygiene. Do not use mouthwash containing chlorhexidine gluconate if the infection is in the mouth. A good replacement is a mouthwash with chlorine dioxide.


Treatment of candidiasis also means taking medication. Doctors prescribe it according to the severity of the infection and the patient’s condition. Depending on these factors, your doctor will prescribe a local or systemic treatment. In the former case it means creams and ointments, while in later cases it means oral medicine.

Treatment of candidiasis

For skin or nail infections, doctors prescribe topical drugs such as gels, ointments or creams. The most commonly used active ingredients are:

  • Clotrimazole
  • Fluconazole
  • Nystatin
  • Ketoconazole
  • Miconazole
  • Fluconazole
  • Itraconazole

For the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis, you can use mouthwash with liquid nystatin. This is enough to eliminate the infection for most people.

If the infection goes deep, for example if it is in the esophagus, treatment with tablets or pills for at least a week is recommended. This type of treatment is also commonly used for superficial genital candidiasis.

Furthermore, the most severe cases require hospitalization and IV medication.

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