How To Clean Your Indoor Plants

Do you clean your plants? It may seem a little strange, but it’s actually a good idea, as the leaves collect dust just like everything else in the house. The dust can even prevent your plant from growing optimally.
How to clean your indoor plants

When you clean at home, you probably give even the smallest nooks and corners a go. But what about your plants? Did you know that you can make them shine by simply following a few simple steps? In this article, we will review how to clean your indoor plants.

We tell you all about how to clean the leaves of your indoor plants so that they will look beautiful and fresh.

Is it important to clean your indoor plants?

Yes, that is important. Keeping all leaves clean and healthy helps the plants breathe. The dust or pollutants in the air can accumulate on leaves and reduce the amount of light the plants receive.

As you may know, less sunlight means less chlorophyll, which in turn results in a diseased plant. If the situation comes to this point, the plant will not only start to yellow and stop growing, it may even die.

Clean your plants

Therefore, it is important to clean indoor plants as they are not rinsed naturally by the rain. You need to clean them at least twice a month.

How to clean your plants

Use primarily water

Of course , you do not need to be an expert to consider water as a good resource for cleaning leaves.

You can try putting the plant in your shower and washing it gently with lukewarm water. Rinse the plant gently and avoid too hard a jet as it can damage the leaves. You can also use a garden hose or a spray bottle.

If the plant is very dirty, you can mix a liter of water with a little shampoo. Wash the leaves gently and wash it off with clean water. People who recommend soapy water suggest covering the substrate or laying the plant gently on the side so that the mixture only remains on the leaves.

2. Natural glossiness

Using a natural gloss remover is effective, except for plants that have curly leaves or small hairs; avoid using this on such plants. Use a sponge and soapy water to gently dry the leaves for a healthier shine; You can also try using olive oil. Both options give your plants a good shine.

3. Clean the leaves of the plant with milk or beer

As incredible as it may seem, milk is the perfect product to get a healthy plant. It’s simple: Dip a cloth in milk and dry the leaves you want to clean. You immediately notice the results. You can also use a little bit of beer instead of milk.

Glass and jug with milk

4. Banana peels for clean plants

Drying the leaves of your houseplants with the inner part of a banana peel will leave them clean and shiny. As with milk, there is an immediate improvement in the appearance of the plant. It will be greener and more radiant.

5. Clean plants with a toothbrush

Above under the second method on our list, we talked about being careful with velvety plants or those with small hairs. To clean these plants you can use an old toothbrush.

It is very simple: take the blade in the palm of your hand and gently brush it with the toothbrush. Start at the base of the leaf and work your way up with caution toward the tip. Remember to rinse the toothbrush occasionally and make sure it is completely dry before cleaning the blades.

Several other items that you can use to clean plants are soft brushes or pipe cleaners. In addition, you can even use one plant’s own leaf to clean the dust from the others.

Other recommendations

In addition to cleaning the leaves of a plant, you also need to care for them in other ways. An example that may well be the most important is to remove the unhealthy areas of the plant.

If a plant has leaves that are dry, yellow or weak, remove them. Removing them will allow the plant to dedicate all of its resources to preserving and growing its healthier parts.

Pay attention to the properties of the plant in order to take proper care of it. For example , you should not wet the leaves of certain plants. Some examples of these are cacti and succulents. You need to clean these plants without water.

Cleaning the leaves of the plants requires only a few minutes of your time. However, it will have wonderful effects on their health. If you use plants for home decor, bright and healthy plants will completely change the atmosphere in your room.

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