How To Clean Your Bronchi Naturally

How to clean your bronchi naturally

What do you need to be able to clean your bronchi? It is time to clean them when you experience any problem related to them, such as inflammation or excessive mucus production which keeps you from being able to breathe properly.

As you know, these problems need special medical treatment. It does not matter how old you are; both children and adults suffer from problems related to the bronchi. In this article, we will provide specific tips you can follow at home that will help these problems from occur to begin with.

Recipes for cleansing your bronchi

1. Eucalyptus tea

Use eucalyptus to cleanse your bronchi

Eucalyptus is an amazing and one of the best natural remedies available to help you with the flu or a cold, as well as to treat problems related to your bronchi. If you want to take advantage of the properties of this amazing plant, stick to the following tips:

  • Heat a liter of water and as soon as it starts to boil, please add 5 grams of eucalyptus leaves.
  • When it starts to boil again, turn off the heat and let it stand for a while.
  • You can drink small cups of this tea throughout the day. Make sure they are approx. at room temperature. Never drink them cold.

If you want to improve the health of your bronchi, you can also inhale eucalyptus fumes.

  • Heat two liters of water and add 100 grams of eucalyptus leaves. Take a towel over your hair and inhale the heat from this simple infusion twice daily. It will do wonders for your health.

2. Carrot juice with honey

carrot spurs

Are you surprised? Mixing carrot juice with honey will give you great benefits that will definitely improve the health of your swollen bronchi, and help eliminate mucus. This treatment will help you get rid of nose and throat constipation and you will soon be able to breathe with ease again.

  • Carrot juice is high in beta-carotene and vitamin A.
  • When combined with honey, a natural antibiotic is created which is rich in vitamins which are also able to corrode or reduce swelling,
  • So, how do you make this recipe? It’s super easy. First, put a few carrots and half a glass of water in a blender. After blending them, add two tablespoons of honey.
  • Drink this drink at room temperature. Ideally, you should take it twice a day, once in the morning and once before dinner. It is also great for kids because it tastes heavenly.

3. Cranberry juice with ginger


It is time for you to learn about cranberries, a medicinal fruit that is widely used to cleanse the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi. We all know that it is not always easy to get hold of this fruit because we need it in its most natural form to get the most out of its positive properties.

But if you are lucky and actually find cranberries in the supermarket, then you now know that they are great for cleansing and strengthening the health of your bronchi. If you want to benefit from this recipe, you should follow these steps:

  • Boil 200 grams of cranberries for 10 minutes.
  • Then they are poured into a blender with half a glass of water.
  • Use a reed to get rid of the remaining solid fruits
  • Then add a tablespoon of ginger. Drink this mixture throughout the day and it will surely have a positive effect on your bronchi.

4. Sandalwood steam for the health of your bronchi


Have you heard of the properties of sandalwood oil? It’s incredibly easy to dust up in health food stores. It is known as one of the best natural resources available for bronchial problems. It removes mucus, reduces swelling and cleanses the bronchi. This oil is not expensive and, due to its positive properties, it is worth having available at all times. This natural alternative will do wonders for your bronchi.

  • Boil two liters of water.
  • Add 6 to 10 drops of sandalwood oil and allow the water to continue boiling. When done, get ready to inhale the steam.
  • Make yourself comfortable and make sure you do not burn yourself. Inhale the steam from this mixture for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  • The sandalwood vapors will help reduce swelling in the bronchi and eliminate the symptoms. Remember to use this treatment at least 3 times a day.


lime tea

If it is possible for you to fine lime leaves, then they are a great, and inexpensive treatment. Many health food stores sell ready-made teas because they are one of the most useful treatments for any disease related to the bronchi.

  • Lime leaves and pine needles tea are a great way to cure bronchitis naturally. Both of these elements have enormous
  • You should drink this tea twice daily. All you need to do is heat a cup of water and add 5 lime mix and 5 g pine needles. Wait for the water to boil and let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, simply apply a sieve to the mixture and add a little honey. It will give you relief from the symptoms and then it tastes great.

We hope you enjoyed this article on how to naturally clean your bronchi!

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