Get Rid Of Bloating With This Pear And Kiwi Smoothie

With its high-fiber ingredients, this smoothie is the perfect choice to improve any kind of digestive problems and promote bowel movement. That is why it is so perfect for helping relieve constipation and treat bloating.
Get rid of bloating with this pear and kiwi smoothie

Flatulence can be very annoying. Sometimes it can just go on and on no matter what you do. Get rid of bloating with this pear and kiwi smoothie, read on here!

If you are struggling with this problem, you know exactly how much it affects your daily routine. You have most likely become accustomed to this constant discomfort.

In this article we will propose a simple solution. All you have to do is drink a pear and kiwi smoothie every morning. It will help improve the movement of the intestines while fighting fluid retention.

Try it!

Is there anything that can combat bloating?

The main problem with treating this condition is that so many different things can cause it. You need to keep the following things in mind if you want to get rid of bloating once and for all:

  • Intolerance to certain foods that one may not digest properly. The most common foods are gluten and lactose. However, there are also people who can not digest fruits or vegetables properly, even nuts, etc.
  • Excessive amount of raw foods or large amounts of gas-producing foods, such as lettuce, cabbage, onions, mushrooms, legumes, etc.
  • Eating in an unhealthy way, for example by hurrying while talking, standing or by not chewing food properly.
  • Drinking too much water during a meal. One should drink his water in advance, between meals or in the morning.
  • To combine too many foods that have different levels of digestion. The worst thing you can do is combine dairy products with fruit. It is best to eat these two things outside of the main meals, such as for breakfast or as a snack.
  • Stress, nervousness and emotional problems.
  • Problems with digestion. It is obvious that people who suffer from bloating experience this due to some problem with digestion. One should therefore seek medical attention to make sure that there are no problems that require further treatment, such as bacteria, parasites, gastritis, chronic constipation, etc.

Get rid of bloating with the ability of bulbs to treat it


Pears are one of the most effective foods for reducing bloating caused by fluid retention as they are made from 80% water.

Their high content of potassium and low content of sodium make them a very beneficial fruit when it comes to getting going in the body and also in general in connection with diet for weight loss.

Their diuretic properties are also enhanced by their content of arginine, arbutin, ascorbic acid and other nutrients.

At the same time as they reduce bloating, they also contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber that promotes movement in the intestinal system.

Get rid of bloating with the kiwi’s ability to treat it

Kiwi is a very popular fruit that is used as a remedy for constipation. It is due to its high content of fiber, which promotes movement in the intestinal system without irritating the intestinal tract, unlike other laxatives.

Good bowel movement is really important for the body. Constipation and bloating can easily lead to inflammatory conditions.

Kiwi is also one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamin C, even higher than lemons and oranges.

It is best to eat kiwi every morning before breakfast. But by using this pear and kiwi smoothie, you will enhance these properties and at the same time also enjoy a delicious breakfast.

How to make this smoothie

Smoothie with pears and kiwi

The amount of smoothie you want to make depends on how hungry you are, as well as your body size and lifestyle. This smoothie is beneficial as part of a weight loss diet, which means it should not stop you in that regard.

The following quantities are approximate measurements:

  • 1 large ripe bulb. If it is organic, you can also use the peel.
  • 2 ripe kiwis
  • A pinch of crushed ginger
  • 100 ml of water
  • If you want it a little sweeter, you can add honey or other sweetener.

Blend all the ingredients until it forms a smooth liquid.

When should one drink it?

Get rid of bloating, drink this smoothie every morning, freshly prepared as its breakfast. Always do this a little while after drinking lemon water before breakfast.

If you are still hungry, or if you want more solid food, you can eat it for a while after breakfast. But always remember the advice given in the first paragraph. You can always make as much of the smoothie as you want, and you can even drink it during the morning.

It is a good idea to be strict with this remedy for at least a month. Then you can drink it as needed. One can simply feel for what suits one best.

Get rid of bloating!

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