Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Once And For All

Since bed bugs can not withstand high temperatures, you can put your mattress and bedding out in the sun or apply steam to the affected areas.
Get rid of bed bugs once and for all

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of both humans and domestic animals and are often difficult to see at first glance.

One of their favorite places to stay at home is in bed where they have a warm environment and food source that they need to be able to survive.

They need to be handled properly as they not only cause painful itching on the skin but also increase the risk of contracting various diseases.

Throwing out the infected stuff would be the most effective solution, but for obvious reasons, it is not the most ideal. The good news is that there are several home remedies to solve this problem so you can get a clean and healthy bed. Do you want to know more?

Steam is one of the simplest and most effective home remedies you can use to completely eliminate this plague as bed bugs cannot tolerate high temperatures.

An effective solution is to use hot steam (50 ° C or above) for the mattress, bed linen, bedding, curtains and other elements in the bedroom.

Cumin does not like bed bugs

Due to the high concentration of turmeric, the active substance, powdered cumin is a potential enemy of bed bugs.

This ingredient and its strong antimicrobial power affect the environment in the bed, making it difficult for this plague to survive.

It works by cutting off the oxygen supply, which kills them or makes them seek somewhere else.  It may sound surprising, but it’s a good ally if you want to eliminate this nuisance.

The high temperatures in the sun can help remove hidden pests in the mattress, sheets and blankets.

Temperatures higher than 32 ° C can alleviate the problem. Ideally, you should place the mattress directly in the sun.


Essential mint oil releases an odor that repels pests and small insects because it creates a strong allergic reaction.

This home remedy is ideal for repelling bed bugs in the bedroom, garden and pets.

Another excellent solution is essential lavender oil which has similar effect as above. In either case, it is best to make sure that none of the family members are allergic to the strong odor of the oils.

Cloves are a spice with a strong odor that can repel almost any type of insect. Generally it is used in the garden to avoid ants, but it can also be used to remove annoying and dangerous bed bugs.

These insects cannot tolerate acidic environments, making household alcohol (also known as isopropanol) an effective remedy.

To use this product, just put it on a spray bottle and spray all over the bed and places where you think they may be hiding.

It is important to mention that this is an ongoing process and requires you to repeat the treatment every 6 or 7 days. 

After using the product, ventilate the mattress and bedding so that the alcohol odor does not penetrate the material.


Vacuuming is one of the most popular methods of eradicating all kinds of insects and mites, because you get into cracks and holes where the bed bugs hide.

  • Do not place the bed up against the wall or other furniture. You should never leave the mattress on the floor as it attracts bed bugs.
  • If you have pets, keep them out of the bedroom and wash them often.
  • Check the legs of the bed and other insect furniture regularly, as this is where they often hide.  If you spot them, you can try using talcum powder to catch them.
  • Clean and disinfect your bedroom regularly to avoid pests. It is important to clean all areas and to change bedding at least twice a month.

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