Get Harmony In The Home With Simple Feng Shui Principles

With just a few feng shui-based changes, you can get better energy flow in your home and make it a more comfortable and cozy place. Try it!
Get harmony in the home with simple Feng Shui principles

You’ve probably heard of feng shui. Create harmony in the home with some simple Feng Shui principles that everyone can participate in.

Some Feng Shui principles are difficult to apply in apartments or old houses. However, you can easily apply other simple Feng Shui principles to see significant improvements.

Find out how Feng Shui can help make your home more harmonious, comfortable and inviting with just a few simple, practical changes.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of organizing one’s environment (home, office, etc.) through the wisdom of our ancestors to improve the harmony and balance of the person who inhabits the place.

To achieve feng shui, the following elements come into play:

  • Furniture arrangement
  • Lighting
  • Ventilation
  • Wall color
  • Mirrors and decorative elements
  • Other factors that are harder to change, such as the location of the building.

Below we will talk about some of the keys in Feng Shui to harmonize your home with ease and note the benefits for your health and well-being.

Try the simple Feng Shui principles – start with your front door

The front of your home is very important as it is s symbolic to welcome you home every day as well as to receive your guests in a hospitable way.

It must be large, strong and painted in a light color, a door that can be opened wide and which has an unobstructed path to the first room of the house.

The simple feng shui principles start with your main door.

Light is energy – a basic Feng Shui principle

There should be light in your home, whether natural or electric, for a warm and comfortable atmosphere. Whenever you can, always choose natural light and large windows.

When this is not possible, use lamps, candles and other lighting elements.

On the other hand , you should avoid any kind of light in your bedroom at night, no matter how small it is, as it interferes with sleep.

Create harmony in the bathroom with Feng Shui

Bathrooms should always be located in a discreet location. In other words, they should not be visible from the entrance, the kitchen or the living room.

Carefully pay attention to the location of the door and even the angles when open. Consider using room dividers or curtains to hide them when visible from a main room.

Another Feng Shui detail is that the toilet seat should always be down. It is more than just an aesthetic problem; it is a matter of energy flow that can even lead to economic loss.

The simple feng shui principles of the bathroom.

The kitchen is important

Your kitchen is a very important part of your home as it symbolizes the wealth and abundance of the family.

The transformation of food through water and fire is a process of essential alchemy for good health.

Therefore, the oven should be far from or separate from the sink to create a suitable distance between these two opposing forces.

In addition, one should avoid events where the one who cooks has their back to the kitchen entrance.

Finally, incorporate wood elements, fresh fruit and fresh flowers for a touch of life and color in your kitchen.

Get a harmonious sleep with simple Feng Shui principles

Your bedroom is the space intended for intimacy and rest, and should not play any other role. It is not recommended to use it for any kind of work as this could get the room out of balance.

Here we highlight the keys to a healthy bedroom according to Feng Shui:

  • Choose natural fabrics and materials, as well as gentle or pastel colors. You can use some lighter colors like red, but they should be limited.
  • Another important issue when it comes to the bedroom is the way the bed is positioned. The front of the bed should point to the north or east.
  • Avoid mirrors that reflect the bed.
  • While it may seem convenient to store things under your bed (or store things near the headboard), it can make the night’s sleep more difficult.

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