Environmentally Friendly Methods For Disinfecting The Refrigerator

There are many things that can stick to a refrigerator. Dirt and bad odor are often caused by bacteria. This is why you should clean and disinfect it often. It’s even better if you stick to environmentally friendly methods.
Environmentally friendly methods of disinfecting the refrigerator

Anyone with a home should know how to effectively maintain it. Today we would like to give you a  few ideas for environmentally friendly methods that you can use to clean and disinfect the refrigerator. That way, you can keep your refrigerator clean and maintain good health for your family and the environment.

Over time, a refrigerator can emit an unpleasant odor. Not only that, but the bad smell can stay there even after you have removed too old food or the particularly smelly foods. To get rid of the bad smell and get a clean refrigerator again, there are a few eco-friendly methods you can try.

Environmentally friendly methods for cleaning and disinfecting the refrigerator

First, turn off the refrigerator before you start cleaning and disinfecting it. Leave it overnight, if possible, to allow it to thaw and remove any accumulated ice. Also remove all food, beverages and anything else you may have in it so that you can access all surfaces in it.

Finally, no matter how you choose to clean and disinfect the refrigerator,  let it dry completely before storing food in it again. The food you store, as well as all other containers, should be thoroughly cleaned before returning to the refrigerator.

This will prevent it from soiling on the surfaces you just cleaned.

Baking soda: Always useful

Cleaning with baking soda and lime to disinfect the refrigerator

Every time you clean a refrigerator, try to use products that make the process more efficient and therefore easier. Baking soda is one of the most environmentally friendly methods and it is also not very expensive. In addition, its  degreasing and antibacterial properties will  help you remove all food debris and other accumulated stains.

  • Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of lemon in a glass of warm water.
  • Use it to scrub the refrigerator inside and out.
  • Then let it stand for five minutes.
  • Then wipe it off with a dry cloth.

Salt water

One of the most environmentally friendly methods of cleaning the refrigerator is a simple mixture made from  a handful of salt diluted in a tub of warm water.

Simply dip your sponge in the mixture and use it to clean all interior and exterior surfaces. You will see how easily you get rid of leftover food and mucus.

Vinegar, a wonderful antibacterial agent

Vinegar is another great choice for cleaning things. This wonderful antibacterial agent is  one of the best natural disinfectants available,  so it is especially good for cleaning even the dirtiest areas.

To do it:

  • Mix 2.5 dl clear vinegar with 2.5 dl water.
  • Clean the inside of your refrigerator.
  • Let it stand for five minutes  and then wipe it off and let it dry.
  • Note: A spray bottle will make the task even easier.

Olive oil is an excellent environmentally friendly remedy for disinfecting the refrigerator

Olive oil in a bowl

Four tablespoons of olive oil mixed with three tablespoons of lemon juice is  excellent for cleaning stainless steel surfaces. This eco-friendly method removes all dirt and stains without leaving a greasy, sticky feeling.

Let it sit for 10 minutes  and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is another  powerful natural disinfectant that removes dirt and bad odors.

  • Two tablespoons of essential tea tree oil diluted in a cup of warm water is enough.
  • You can use a spray bottle for the inner surfaces and go back and remove any residue with a microfiber cloth.

Lemon juice to get rid of bad odor

One of the best eco-friendly methods to remove odor from one’s refrigerator is to  rub its surfaces with a sponge soaked in lemon juice. You should let it sit for five minutes and then wipe it off with a clean, dry cloth.

Its active ingredient is citric acid, which is also antiseptic, so it is excellent for deep cleansing. It will also leave a perfectly clean and glossy effect on all surfaces you clean with it.

You can also pour the juice from three lemons on a spray bottle along with half a liter of warm water. Spray it on a surface, let it sit for a few minutes and then remove it with a dry cloth.

Essential oils are wonderful environmentally friendly means of disinfecting the refrigerator

Lastly, lemon is not only a good antiseptic, but it also leaves a fresh scent in your fridge.

One way that you can maximize its freshness is by dipping pieces of cotton wool in  essential lemon oil  and then storing one in a drawer in your refrigerator.

Essential vanilla oil is also quite appropriate for this task. Slices of lemon with pieces of cloves in also work well.


An excellent alternative to  removing bad odor from your refrigerator  is with a piece of charcoal. There is no doubt about its effectiveness. Just read a piece in your fridge and leave it there.

These eco-friendly methods of cleaning and disinfecting the refrigerator will give you excellent results. They are  simple, natural and not expensive.

Use them continuously, then your refrigerator will be immaculate and free from bad odors!

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