Do You Have Time To Train? Of Course You Have It!

To keep fit, we should exercise every day. We also need to make sure we follow other healthy habits, such as eating properly.
Do you have time to train?  Of course you have it!

Do you have time to train? Of course you have it! A sedentary life has made ourselves the main enemy of our health. Unfortunately, more and more people fall into this trap as time goes on.

We spend many hours at our work at a desk. Many of our tasks at home also require us to do paperwork. Then there are the academic duties where one can spend several hours at his desk. Because of this, many people find it difficult to exercise and maintain an active lifestyle.

The problem is that little by little  , people are starting to have problems with their metabolism. Over time, this affects their quality of life.

However, you do not have to go to the gym to get in shape. There are many different exercises you can do at home.

These only require a few minutes to perform. And you can do a full workout routine with them. This means you can strengthen all your muscles and lose weight.

The most important thing is that you train every day. Put your excuses behind you and spend a minute focusing your thoughts on your goal.

Are you ready to start?

To stay in shape by exercising without leaving the house

We will introduce you to a physical exercise routine. This is a routine that is based on  training at intervals. It will require all your efforts. This routine works by reducing the time one spends while increasing the difficulty level.

Although we doubted the results, thousands of people are our evidence. They have achieved amazing results by training every day.

The goal of this routine is to spend an hour on gymnastic training. Then we find similar exercises that can help one to achieve the same results in 10 or 15 minutes. But these are demanding exercises.

The best thing is to  get rid of all its excuses. With a little time, it will be easy for you to do these exercises anywhere. They can be made at home, in the office or anywhere else.


Woman doing sprellemaend
  • Stand up straight, then jump while spreading your legs. At the same time, lift your arms high above your head. Then jump again, but gather your legs and lower your arms down along the side. Try to keep your arms and legs moving to the same rhythm.
  • Repeat this exercise as fast as you can, for 30 seconds.


  • Stand with your feet spread shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly at the knees.
  • Lower your buttocks as if you were about to sit down. Keep your back straight.
  • Your buttocks should not come lower than your knees.
  • Then get up slowly.
  • Repeat as many times as you can, in 30 seconds.

Crossing crunches

Woman doing tummy tuck
  • On a yoga mat, lie down with your knees bent. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your neck.
  • Do crunches, but try to get your elbow to touch the opposite knee. Then change elbow and knee at the next repetition.
  • Do as many as you can in 30 seconds.

The bridge

  • Lie down on your back with your arms down along the side. Put your feet flat on the floor. Then lift your hips as high as you can.
  • Stay in this position for 20 seconds. Do three repetitions in a row.


Woman exercising with a chair
  • Start with your shoulders next to a flat surface, such as a chair. Then place your hands on this surface and support your weight on your arms. Move your feet slightly forward.
  • Lower your body with slow movements. Never let your arms get further down than they form a 45 degree angle with your body. Then lift your body as high as you can.
  • Make 3 sets with 15 repetitions in each.

The plank

  • Lying face down steadily then yourself on your forearms and toes. Make sure you keep both your stomach and your back straight.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. And do not forget to tense in your buttocks and abdominal muscles.


  • Start in the same position as if you were taking a step or making a lung.
  • Jump and move your front leg back and your back leg forward.
  • Repeat for 20 to 30 seconds.

Transverse abdominal muscles

  • Start on one side. Put all your weight on that side forearm and on the side of your foot.
  • Lower and lift your body as slowly as you are able to.

Other recommendations for staying fit

Woman eating salad - time to exercise

Physical exercise is one of the methods to stay in shape. But that’s not the only thing we’ll have to do. Its  effectiveness depends on other habits.

After exercise, the first thing you should do is take care of your diet. We need to follow a balanced diet. This means paying attention to the calories and nutrients that we eat.

It is also   important to limit the amount of alcohol we drink. This is partly because alcohol in large quantities is a major source of calories and toxins.

Eventually we will have to avoid stress. We can use relaxing techniques and sleep properly  to do this. These are all the habits that we need for both our mental and physical well-being.

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