Dark Circles Under The Eyes Of Children: Reason For Concern?

Many adults have dark circles under the eyes, which we justify with insomnia, stress or exhaustion. But what about dark circles under the eyes of children?
Dark circles under the eyes of children: cause for concern?

Although they are rarely a cause for concern, it is important to understand why dark circles under the eyes of children appear. The first thing you need to know is that they are produced by a change in the color of the skin under the eyes or in the entire area of ​​the eye.

A large production of melanin and also dilation of blood vessels can both cause this change. The skin around the eyes measures between 300 and 800 microns, which means it is quite thin, which is why these physiological processes are so obvious.

Common causes of dark circles under the eyes of children

It is normal for parents to worry when they see their children waking up with dark circles under their eyes. After all, this condition makes them look sick, tired, and emaciated. However, they are not necessarily a cause for concern. The reasons why dark circles under the eyes of children occur are the following.

Problems sleeping

It is normal for dark circles to appear when children have poor sleep habits. This disorder is known as insomnia in children and it  affects children aged between six months and five years.

Ingestion of foods and beverages such as coffee or chocolate just before bedtime can affect a baby’s sleep. Physical activity in the evening, stimuli from the light of technological devices and ambient sounds can also affect the little ones and lead to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Sleepless boy may experience dark circles under the eyes of children

Obstructive sleep apnea

Another cause of dark circles under the eyes of children is obstructive sleep apnea. This disorder is caused by  partial or total blockage of the airway during sleep  due to a narrowing of the airways.

Other symptoms that may indicate that your child has this disorder are the following:

  • Snoring with long pauses in breathing.
  • Night anxiety and restless sleep.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Breathing through the mouth.
  • Exhaustion.

As a result of lack of sleep or too much activity during the day, children may experience episodes of fatigue, leading to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

In these cases  , it is necessary to review the activities that the child performs during the day in order to offer them time to rest and recover. Be careful when it comes to noon naps, which can affect how well children sleep at night.

Stuffy nose

As one of the most common causes of stuffy nose due to cold, allergic rhinitis, asthma or sinusitis also causes  dark circles  under the eyes of children. This color change is not only in the lower part of the eye but also in the nose.

It occurs due to the dilation of veins in these areas. It is important to note that when there is eye inflammation, the eyelids turn red due to skin irritation.

Genetic disorders

Although they usually manifest in adolescence,  some children may have a genetic predisposition to get dark circles under the eyes  at a young age. This disorder is known as congenital dark circles.

It is nothing more than a genetic hyperpigmentation in the area around the eyes and there is rarely a solution. The good thing to know is that it does not affect your child’s physical well-being.


Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that frequently occurs in the adrenal glands, in the stomach, chest or in areas of the body where there are groups of nerve cells. It occurs in children under the age of five and causes bruising around the eyes.

It is essential not to confuse these dark circles with those caused by less serious factors. In the case of neuroblastoma, other symptoms also appear such as subcutaneous nodules, protruding eyes (eyes that look like they are coming out of the eye socket), pain in bones or back, fever and weight loss for no apparent reason.

Orbital cellulitis

Orbital cellulitis can be a serious infection. It occurs in children as a disorder of the sinuses. It is therefore accompanied by dark circles or bulging eyes in children under 7 years of age.

Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal pygones and haemophilus influnezae are common causes. Red eyes, difficulty moving the eyes and fever may occur.

What to do if your child has dark circles under the eyes?

As a rule, dark circles under the eyes of children are not a serious condition. However, when there are other accompanying symptoms, it is necessary to talk to a doctor to rule out diseases or disorders. In order to improve their appearance, one can have the following recommendations and natural treatments in mind.

The child should be encouraged to rest

In case of dark circles under the eyes due to lack of sleep, one will have to deter the child from taking long naps during the day. Also, avoid watching television or exposure to other monitors before bedtime. 

You can talk to a pediatrician about the possibility of including hot drinks to help the child fall asleep. It can be chamomile or milk with honey.

At the same time, consider giving them more space for rest or activities that they find relaxing, such as yoga or meditation, if they do many activities during the day.

Child uses telephone in bed at night even though it may cause dark circles under the eyes of children

Use natural treatments for dark circles under the eyes of children

If you want to help reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes of children, you can resort to natural solutions such as cucumber slices. Place a slice under each eye. It will improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and provide moisture to this area.

You can also  apply some coconut or almond oil on the dark edges using a cotton ball. It will also help reduce swelling and promote the growth of the eyelashes.

Dark circles under the eyes of children are more of an aesthetic problem

Dark circles under the eyes of children, like in adults, are usually more of an aesthetic problem than a health-related problem. Therefore, if you have already ruled out a physical problem with your doctor’s help, it is best to remain calm.

In cases such as hereditary dark circles, it is important to  encourage the child to accept their physical characteristics and avoid using products that claim to be able to remove it, without the approval of the doctor first. Natural remedies can be used as long as there are no contraindications.

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