Can You Use Aromatherapy To Relieve Menstrual Pain?

The aroma of certain essential oils seems to have calming effects on ailments such as menstrual cramps. We will tell you what research says and how you can try it at home.
Can you use aromatherapy to relieve menstrual cramps?

The use of aromatherapy to relieve menstrual cramps and other types of pain has been used since ancient times. It involves using essential oils from various plants, which have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects, according to some research.

Although it is not the preferred treatment for dysmenorrhea,  many women have chosen to use it on the days when they are menstruating,  as they experience a pleasant feeling of relief. What does research say about all this? And how to perform aromatherapy at home? Read on to get the answer!

What is aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a complementary treatment that uses various plant components and essential oils, the properties of which promote relaxation and pain relief. Their use involves inhaling or applying to the skin (in combination with a base oil).

Aromatherapy is popular in Chinese medicine, as  it is believed to be able to contribute to the relief of, among other things, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain and respiratory diseases. However, they are not considered part of conventional medicine due to lack of evidence backing up their effects.

Woman uses aromatherapy to relieve menstrual cramps

How to use aromatherapy to relieve menstrual cramps?

One of the most relevant methods of use for aromatherapy is about relieving menstrual pain. For several years, many women with primary dysmenorrhea have used this method as an aid in relieving symptoms. And while studies of its effectiveness are lacking, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that speaks to its benefits.

Through both inhalation and massage, this form of therapy can help reduce menstrual pain and the other symptoms associated with menstruation. How does it happen? According to some scientists, the explanation lies in the placebo effect.

However, there are hypotheses that suggest that the oils used have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, they contribute to the relief of pain and inflammation that appear in the stomach during this period.

What does research say about aromatherapy and menstrual cramps?

As we have mentioned, there is not enough evidence to prove that aromatherapy relieves menstrual cramps. Despite this, there is research that shows positive effects associated with dysmenorrhea.

For example, a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine found that  therapeutic use of essential oils in aromatherapy can relieve primary dysmenorrhea. Such effects occur both during application through massage and inhalation.

A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that topical application of lavender, sage and rose is effective in reducing menstrual pain.

Research additionally found that  massage with a combination of essential oils (cinnamon, clover, rose and lavender) with almond oil was helpful in relieving pain and even heavy bleeding during menstruation. So far, more studies are needed to prove it.

How to use aromatherapy at home?

One of the primary benefits of aromatherapy is that it is considered safe for most people. In addition, one can perform a session at home with a few ingredients. All you need is the essential oils and a basic oil such as olive, coconut or almond oil.


  • 5 drops of essential oil ( lavender, rose, sage, chamomile ).
  • 1 tablespoon of base oil (15 grams).


  • To start with,  mix the drops of essential oil with a spoonful of base oil  (coconut, olive or almond).
  • When the mixture is ready,  rub the oil on the stomach  with a gentle massage.
  • Make circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • If the pain persists,  you can perform the massage three to five times a day.


  • Dilute 5 to 1o drops of essential oil in a cup of boiling water.
  • Then inhale the vapors from the cup.
  • You can do the same with an aroma diffuser.
Woman takes care of the abdomen and wants to use aromatherapy to relieve menstrual pain

Aromatherapy warnings to relieve menstrual cramps

In most cases, the use of aromatherapy is safe. Despite this, it is best to perform a small sample of the oil before applying it completely. To do this, rub a small amount on the skin and wait a day. If after that time there is no sign of irritation or discomfort, it can be used without any problems.

Some inhaled oils can also cause allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, if nasal congestion, sneezing or other allergic reactions occur while using them, it is best to stop using them.

Aromatherapy to relieve menstrual cramps

When it comes to relieving menstrual cramps, aromatherapy can be helpful. However, it is not the preferred treatment and its effects are only temporary.

If dysmenorrhea is frequent and disabling, it is best to see a doctor. The doctor will decide if it is necessary to perform additional tests, and will guide you in the right forms of treatment.

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