Can Alkaline Food Prevent Cancer?

There is much to suggest that our lifestyle habits have something to do with the risk of developing cancer. Processed foods and alcohol, for example, are carcinogenic. But what effect does alkaline food have?
Can alkaline food prevent cancer?

The number of people suffering from cancer in this world is shocking. You probably know more than one person with this disease. It is no coincidence that cancer is the leading cause of death around the world. In this article we will answer the question, can alkaline food prevent cancer?

One of the primary triggers seems to be the kind of diet you are consuming. In today’s article , we talk about the relationship between alkaline foods and cancer prevention. 

What is an alkaline food?

Before we start talking about how it affects your health, it is a good idea to understand what alkaline means at all.

This type of diet is based on the consumption of foods that increase the pH of the bloodstream and avoid creating an acidic environment.

This simply means choosing more basic foods such as onions, lettuce, cauliflower (and much more vegetables) and avoiding acidic foods such as chocolate, cheese, meat, eggs and bread.

Which foods are alkaline?

If you want to prevent cancer (among other diseases) and feel healthy, it is important to eat alkaline foods.

These are the most important foods in this category:

Raw vegetables

Different vegetables

Although some vegetables are acidic by nature, they become alkaline when they enter your body.

Eating them raw will allow you to utilize all of their nutrients (because many of them are lost when cooked at high temperatures or in boiling water).

Add these vegetables to your daily diet:

  • Asparagus
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Eggplant
  • Garlic
  • Chives
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Salad
  • Endive
  • Watercress
  • Beets



Fruits have amazing alkalizing powers – even fruits with low pH, like citrus fruits. You can eat fruit for breakfast, mid-morning or for dessert.

Fruit provides lots of vitamins and is good for you ! The most recommended fruits are:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Berries, blackberries, cherries
  • Watermelon
  • Coconut
  • Nuts

All of these provide beneficial fatty acids and also have the ability to increase your body’s pH.

There are lots of myths that are about nuts because they are rich in calories. The truth is, however, that they are excellent for preventing heart disease and even for promoting weight loss because they are so filling.



This is the only whole grain that is considered to be 100% alkaline. This does not mean that the others are harmful to your health, but millet may be a good choice.

Soak it first in water and then boil it Try it on burgers or as a filling for other recipes!


This product created from the hard work of bees is very alkaline, in addition it is an excellent natural antibiotic that you should always have in your medicine cabinet.

Use it to sweeten tea or desserts with or ingest it when you have the flu or have a cold.



This plant-based green juice is rich in enzymes and nutrients that are worth utilizing.

The gel from aloe vera is one of the most well-known and commonly consumed varieties, but it is not the only one.

You can make wheatgrass and dilute it with water, for example, to enjoy the benefits in the early hours of the day.

Can alkaline food prevent cancer or not?

We have already shown you the most alkaline food choices, but you still do not know why they help prevent cancer.

Alkaline foods help primarily because they help your body stay healthy. And the healthier your body is, the easier it resists diseases. An alkaline diet also by definition excludes many carcinogenic things, such as tobacco, processed meats and alcohol.

When you can not provide what your cells need, it makes them weak, and this is where diseases strike.

When your body is too acidic, your immune system weakens and you can no longer protect yourself from attack.

Cells - alkaline food

Cancer cells can thrive at a pH of 7.4. When it reaches 8.4 (alkaline), they die.

This has been found out when cancer cells have been placed in an acidic and alkaline environment in the laboratory, respectively. Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple when it comes to the human body.

According to the fight against cancer, there is not much evidence that we can change the pH value of our body alone through diet. Therefore, you should not go too much into the alkaline diet – but rather take it as an opportunity to generally live healthier, so you can more easily resist disease.

Cell - alkaline food

A more alkaline diet can be healthier in many areas, and can give you extra benefits such as lowering your cholesterol, fighting obesity and avoiding heart problems.

But what foods should you avoid when trying to make your body more alkaline?

  • Dairy products (butter, milk, cheese)
  • Meat (red meat, pork, veal, chicken)
  • Fish and oysters
  • Certain nuts (cashews, peanuts, pistachios)
  • Refined flour (including cakes and pastries)
  • Sauces and dressings (tomato, soy, mustard, mayonnaise and vinegar-based)

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