Painful Menstruation Can Be Relieved In These 10 Ways

In this article, we will look at some of the most common causes of menstrual cramps and what you can do to relieve them.
Painful menstruation can be relieved in these 10 ways

You should pay attention to the products you use for intimate hygiene and make positive changes in your lifestyle if you want to relieve painful menstruation. Read on here and find out more about the topic.

A large number of women have experienced painful menstruation at least once in their lives. The pain and discomfort often surpass common menstrual cramps. In fact, some women experience irritated genitals, followed by an itchy, burning sensation.

Some of these symptoms may even be due to infections. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent and treat this type of pain.

In this article, we will look at some of the most common causes of menstrual cramps and what you can do to relieve them.

Painful menstruation and how to relieve it

The typical discomfort of menstruation can be due to many factors. You can not control the hormonal activity and the presence of certain diseases, but you can  control your habits and reduce the discomfort.

1. Stay away from toxic products for intimate hygiene

Today, there is a wide range of intimate hygiene products designed to make your period less uncomfortable.

However, many of the conventional products, such as bandages, panty liners and tampons, are made of plastic, conventional cotton (often sprayed with pesticides) and other chemicals that are not good for the vaginal microbiota.

The problem is that all of these products contribute to the accumulation of sweat, bacteria and waste products, which can end up leading to bad odors. Not to mention how much they  irritate your skin, cause itching and other discomfort.

Many of the products contain glyphosate, among other things. And frequent contact with that chemical is a risk factor for diseases, such as endometriosis, and can, in the worst case, lead to infertility.

Fortunately,  there are many alternatives on the market, made from all-natural, organic ingredients. They may contain organic cotton, wood fiber and vegetable starch. Some companies offer series of bandages, panty liners and organic, breathable cotton tampons, which are free of, among other things, fragrances and dyes.

Many of these products for intimate hygiene have also received good reviews. Women who have tried them claim that it has reduced the annoying itching and stinging, and even certain aspects of menstrual cramps. These statements are not scientific, but they are worth noting.

Different volumes

2. Use products made from organic cotton

In connection with the above, we would like to emphasize the importance of using organic products. Most of us use conventional products without really knowing what they are made of. Manufacturers are also not interested in you knowing too much about the link between intimate hygiene products and vaginal discomfort.

In addition to having a bad impact on the environment, the type of cotton that most women use for intimate hygiene is also detrimental to a woman’s well-being. The cultivation of that cotton is among the most toxic in the world as more pesticides are used than any other crop. As you can see, organic cotton products claim to be free of these toxins.

A 2015 study by researchers from the Falcudad de Ciencias Exactas at the Universidad Nacional de la Plata showed that 85% of the conventional products they analyzed contained glyphosate.

This toxic chemical is also found in the herbicide  Roundup, which is often used on conventional cotton worldwide. There is evidence that  this chemical can lead to fertility problems and diseases.

Stay away from aggressive chemicals

The vagina is one of the most sensitive areas on a woman’s body. Although its microbiota protects against many infections, it cannot break down or remove the chemicals it is exposed to when using certain products.

There are at least  five ingredients in intimate hygiene products that are described as toxic:

  • Plastic. This element, in addition to being polluting, contributes to a sweaty intimate environment, which leads to unpleasant odors, irritation and infections.
  • Dioxins. This chemical is the result of bleaching cotton wool with chlorine. They have been linked to hormonal disorders and can cause fertility problems, according to a detailed report from the World Health Organization.
  • Superabsorbent polymer (SAP). This is a crude product from crude oil, which can cause irritation and unpleasant odors.
  • Pesticides. These are toxic chemicals that are used to spray the cotton crops.
  • Dyes. Are completely unnecessary and often lead to changes in the vaginal microbiota, which results in irritation and an increased risk of infections.

How can you avoid these chemicals and have a less uncomfortable and painful menstruation? It is simply about learning to choose. There are many organic products that can help you with your monthly period.

4. A better diet can help relieve a painful menstruation

Regulating your diet is very important when you want to reduce menstrual cramps. According to a study published in the medical journal  Obstetrics and Gynecology, can a diet that is rich in vegetables and low in fat, reduce the intensity of PMS and dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps).

Diet plays a role against painful menstruation, which this woman with salad is aware of

5. Try heat therapy

Heat therapy has been used for many years as a treatment for menstrual cramps. Research published in Evidence-Based Nursing  has concluded that  heat is just as effective as ibuprofen when it comes to menstrual cramps. This is because it reduces swelling and promotes relaxation.

Use anti-inflammatory potions to relieve painful menstruation

Here we are talking about natural, therapeutic solutions to discomfort during menstruation. In fact, a review in the  Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research concluded  that herbal medicine is a promising way to relieve menstrual cramps. Use  chamomile, ginger, cinnamon or mint.

7. Get regular exercise

Stay active throughout your menstrual cycle. For physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, also known as “wellness hormones”. Therefore, 20 minutes of moderate exercise every day can help you relieve your menstrual cramps and thus improve your mood.

8. Practice relaxation techniques

Spend some time meditating, practicing yoga or some other form of relaxation technique. They can all help relieve discomfort during menstruation. Not only will it have a good effect on your mood, it will also help relieve vaginal pain and discomfort.

Woman practices yoga

9. Do not medicate yourself

Many over-the-counter painkillers can help with menstrual cramps. But be careful not to overdose them. In fact  , you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the right dose. When it comes to other symptoms, such as itching and irritation, you need to know the cause before one can decide the right treatment.

10. Talk to your doctor if you experience painful menstruation

Menstruation is by nature a little uncomfortable and painful to some degree. However, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor if your symptoms are severe and persistent. Occasionally, cramps, irritation, stinging, and bad odor may require special treatment. You may therefore need more tests to determine this.

Conclusion on painful menstruation

To make a long story short; pay attention to the intimate hygiene products you use and choose the organic alternatives without irritating or harmful substances. You should also look at your habits and talk to a doctor.

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