11 Reasons Why You Need Magnesium In Your Diet

Adding magnesium to your diet provides many health benefits to your muscles and bones.
11 Reasons Why You Need Magnesium In Your Diet

Magnesium is an important mineral that gives your body many benefits. Here are 11 reasons why you need magnesium in your diet, learn about them in this article!

Using magnesium in your diet provides many health benefits to your muscles and bones. 

You store 50% magnesium in your bones. As a result, it is wise to get the right amount daily. This is because it performs an important function to strengthen both your bones and teeth.

Magnesium is also essential for keeping your heart rate normal on both sides of your heart. Because of this, it is an essential ingredient in the treatment of arrhythmias.

Learn more about why this mineral is so important in this article!

How can you add magnesium to your diet?

Seawater, green vegetables and whole grains are natural sources of magnesium. They are usually in most people’s regular diet.

Other sources of this mineral are:

  • Vegetables (tomatoes, sugar beets, beans, artichokes, sweet potatoes)
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Peanuts
  • Wheat or cornmeal
  • Oat bran
  • Barley
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy products such as milk and yogurt
  • Fish

How do you know when you need magnesium in your diet?

Woman eating chocolate

Magnesium deficiency causes:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Anxiety
  • Migraine attacks
  • Muscle weakness and fatigue
  • Spasms
  • Decreased appetite, nausea or vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • An abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Diarrhea

When you are under a lot of stress, your body tends to quickly deplete all of its magnesium reserves.

As a result, a common symptom that you are suffering from magnesium deficiency may be a  craving for chocolate.

This happens because this food has a high concentration of this element.

Keep in mind that magnesium deficiency can also be a symptom of more complex health problems. These include diabetes, depression and some symptoms of menopause.

What are the benefits of magnesium?

Reduces asthma attacks

Woman with asthma

Magnesium supplements are a great help in controlling chronic asthma attacks. This is because it helps the bronchial muscles to relax and regulate your breathing.

Although it will not be a lasting solution, eating enough magnesium can be a good supplement to medical treatment.

Healthy bones

Adding magnesium to your diet will help you regulate your calcium levels, vitamin D, copper and zinc. All of this means that you will have a reduced risk of suffering from osteoporosis when you are older.

It is a good idea to eat foods rich in vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. This is especially true if you are starting to have bone pain.

Make your pregnancy as good as possible

Three pregnant bellies

If you want to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy, it is best if your magnesium levels remain stable. This is because it helps you fight pain.

It can also help you prevent problems like preeclampsia if you have high blood pressure.

Relieves shoulder pain and cramps

Magnesium relaxes the muscles in the back. This will help you feel more comfortable if you are stressed or have tension near your kidneys.

This is because it is usually an indicator of deficiency of this mineral. You can prevent seizures with regular levels of magnesium.

Prevent heart attacks

The heart

As this mineral protects your heart from arrhythmia, it also helps avoid possible damage.

It is especially helpful in preventing those caused by muscle tension. When this muscle tension is due to too much stress, problems can arise anywhere in your cardiovascular system.

Regulates your stool

By eating a high dose of a soluble magnesium supplement in water, you get quick relief from constipation. This is because it causes your intestinal muscles to relax. This causes the laxative effect.

Prevents diabetes and regulates your sugar

Person checking his blood sugar

This mineral helps your insulin respond better to your blood sugar content. It also encourages normal blood pressure.

Because of this, magnesium supplements are essential for people with diabetes. Just remember to mention it to your doctor that you are taking this supplement.

Increases the absorption of other minerals

Using magnesium makes it easier for your body to absorb important vitamins and minerals. These include calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

Cures migraines

Woman with the migraines

Migraines affect many people a lot. This is especially true for women.

Adding magnesium to your diet significantly reduces the pain and frequency of seizures.

Increases your collagen production

Magnesium is very important when talking about the formation of proteins that slowly turn into collagen.

Collagen is found in the fibrous tissues, such as tendons, ligaments and your skin. It is also present in your cornea, bones, intestines, cartilage, blood vessels and vertebrae.

Because of all this, so the more collagen you have in your system, the stronger these areas of your body become.

Activates enzymes

This mineral is a great help to increase energy in your body. At the same time , the activation of enzymes that your body uses to create cellular energy increases.

A good diet has natural magnesium

After reading this, you probably feel like running out to buy a magnesium supplement. Talk to your doctor about this. Remember, it is not necessary for you to take extra if you are getting the right amount through your diet.

Do you need magnesium in your diet?

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