What Are The Causes Of Low Back Pain?

Low back pain is a bothersome problem. In more severe cases, it can be disabling until it is resolved. Posture while working or exercising is often one cause, but it is not the only one. In this article we will tell you all about it.
What are the causes of low back pain?

The causes of low back pain are diverse, but this nuisance is always associated with the muscles and spine. This is often a reason why people go to the doctor or are unable to work.

In these cases, the pain sits in the lower back. Throughout life, almost everyone will suffer from it at some point. Specialists diagnose the majority of cases with a good prognosis and they are easy to resolve. However, 15% of cases of low back pain become chronic.

In this article, we will explain  the most common causes of low back pain. Some of them can be prevented, so we will also discuss some simple measures that can help avoid this situation.

Causes of low back pain

As we have already mentioned, low back pain is pain in the lower back. This gene can spread to the legs. It is a very common disorder that can affect people of all ages.

It is so far that  according to a study by the Center for Medicial-Surgical Investigations (el Centro de Investigaciones Médico-Quirúrgicas) it affects between 60 and 90% of the general population. Among these, 80% of cases are acute and the rest are chronic.

The pain has specific characteristics. For example  , it usually worsens when the person bends down or tries to lift something. In addition, it can spread. It may not reach the legs, but it can reach the buttocks.

In some cases, low back pain is associated with sciatica pain. It is a disorder that causes a squeezing of the sciatic nerve. In these cases, it is common for the pain to extend to the legs.

The causes of low back pain are usually associated with a problem with the way the spine works.

In an article  published in the Costa Rica and Central American Medical Journal  (la Revista Médica de Costa Rica y Centroamérica), specialists confirm that factors such as age, gender, genetics, sports and work can influence the development of this problem.

Person experiences low back pain

Physical overexertion

Physical overexertion is one of the most common causes of low back pain,  as a study by Miguel Hernandez University (la Universidad de Miguel Hernández) explains. Here we will talk about any kind of sports activity that strains the back suddenly.

An example would be strength training when you are not used to it or if you are in good physical shape, but you suddenly move in a way that damages ligaments in the spine.

That said, exercise is not the only cause of low back pain. It is important to emphasize that  low back pain caused by overwork is common in the workplace,  as a study conducted by the Autonomous Metropolitan University (la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana) has tried to demonstrate.

Damage to cartilage discs as a cause of low back pain

Cartilage discs in the spine are a form of cushion between the vertebrae. They help dampen shocks. They are made up of cartilage and are sensitive to aging, just like any other part of the body.

By this we mean that as we get older, it  becomes more common for these slices to burst. If this happens, they release a hormonal substance that irritates the nerves, causing inflammation and pain.

Disc herniation is another disorder associated with low back pain and sciatica pain. A herniated disc is when the center of the disc protrudes  and passes through the spine. When this happens, it presses on the nerve that runs through it.

Deterioration of discs

Above, we mentioned that with aging, the cartilage tissues in the discs begin to wear down, reducing their ability to attenuate shocks. When this happens,  the vertebrae can collide with each other, causing stiffness and pain in the lower back.

The problem here is that deterioration of the discs can aggravate other disorders of the spine such as stenosis or osteoarthritis.

Degenerative spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is when one vertebra sits on top of another as if it had slipped. What happens here is that when a vertebra moves, it puts pressure on the nerve, causing pain and inability to move.

As explained by the University of Navarra Medical Center  (la Clínica de la Universidad de Navarra), degenerative spondylolisthesis occurs when the tissue that stabilizes the vertebrae dissolves. It can be either ligaments or cartilage discs.

Either way, it’s not the only reason. Spondylolisthesis can occur after an injury, as a consequence of a tumor or due to some form of congenital malformation.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a disorder in which the spinal canal narrows. A large number of the peripheral nerves pass through this canal. Therefore, when it is narrowed, the nerves are compressed and damaged as a result.

Recommendations for low back pain

Some of the causes of low back pain can be prevented even though there are factors that one can do nothing about. However, there are a number of simple steps that can improve the condition of the spine.

First, it is important to emphasize that  exercise is one of the beneficial activities. This is especially true of moderate exercise, which helps strengthen the muscles in the back. However, one should avoid violent movements or using too much weight as it can damage the ligaments.

Likewise, it is best to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, as this will prevent you from staying in the same position for too long. However, in order to prevent back pain in the workplace, specialists recommend that we stretch during breaks and that we avoid twisting or overexerting ourselves, especially if we work with weights.

Obesity is another factor  that can increase the risk of suffering from low back pain. Losing weight can therefore reduce the pressure on the spine.

Doctor measures patient's abdominal circumference

If you suffer from one of the causes of low back pain, you should do something

There are many causes of low back pain and this type of pain is quite common. If one suffers from an episode with it, one should have certain considerations in mind. It is always best to talk to a specialist.

In addition, when faced with low back pain, professionals advise against long periods of rest in bed. It is actually more effective to stay active without overworking.

Some people experience that the pain is reduced when  they apply wraps with hot or cold water  on the affected area. Hot water usually relieves the pain when kept there for a while. Cold compresses are good for reducing inflammation from an injury.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that the majority of back pain is related to poor posture. A good place to start is to pay attention to our posture and try to improve it.

When we work, study or even relax, we should try to keep our backs straight. When we exert ourselves, such as if we need to grab or lift an object, specialists recommend that we involve other parts of the body such as the legs. That way, the back does not take all the pressure.

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