The Best Home Remedies For Cold Sores

Apply a layer of Vaseline to the affected area to keep it free of bacteria and speed up the healing process.
The best home remedies for cold sores

 Cold sores are an outbreak caused by the Herpes simplex type 1 virus, which is generally spread through kissing and close contact, with someone having an active outbreak. Once infected with the herpes virus, it stays in the body for the rest of your life. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated by fever, infection, stress, sunburn and food allergies. Fortunately, you can easily make some home remedies for cold sores. Read on!

According to the internet portal MedLine Plus, almost everyone has contracted the herpes virus when they grow up. The eruption often occurs in five phases: tingling, blistering, dehydration, crusting and healing. The latter is the most contagious when the blisters burst and fluid leaks out. Of course, it is best to stop an outbreak before it occurs during the first phase. However, if a blister has already formed, then there are many home remedies that can help you fight the problem and the whole cold sore quickly.

Many people make the mistake of covering their cold sores with makeup. This can provide a slower healing and a longer lasting blistering. Instead of using makeup, you should apply a thin layer of Vaseline to keep it free of bacteria as well as speed up the healing process. Also, try using sunscreen when you are outside to avoid further damage.

There are many lip balms on the market that contain docosanol that accelerates the healing process. If you are exposed to wind and weather in a dry climate, use lip balm to prevent blisters from forming.

There are many home remedies for cold sores

There are certain foods that contain an amino acid called lysine that helps fight cold sores. Foods like milk, fish, meat and legumes all contain lysine.

On the other hand, foods that contain the amino acid called arginine may actually be beneficial for the virus. Arginine can be found in chocolate, peanuts, dried fruits and almonds.

If you already have a cold sore, place a tea bag of black tea directly on the wound and gently scrub for a few minutes. This remedy reduces pain and helps the blister to heal.


Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties that fight a large number of different viruses. To combat cold sores, cut a clove of garlic in half and place directly on the rash.

Milk, as we mentioned earlier, contains lysine, an amino acid that speeds up the healing process of cold sores. Simply dip a cotton ball in milk and apply it on the cold sore. This remedy is best used when the first signs of an outbreak occur.

Spread tomato juice on the wound and let it sit for a few minutes followed by aloe vera. Aloe vera contains many ingredients that are healthy for the skin and that can help dry out the blister faster.


Lime possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help fight cold sores. To enjoy its benefits, simply apply a few drops of the juice directly on the affected area three times a day.

Both honey and vinegar possess antiviral properties that fight cold sores. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a little vinegar and apply it directly on the wound with a piece of cotton wool.

It is very important to get rid of toothbrushes, towels or other things that have been in contact with an active cold sore. There is a chance that it is contaminated with the virus and if used later, it can cause new blisters. If possible, avoid recycling cups, forks and other dirty things. Have some disinfectant available so you can clean your hands and kill bacteria and viruses.

Now that you know some of the many home remedies for cold sores, just get started fighting the virus!

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