Try This Face Mask For A Natural Lift

Did you know that there are natural ingredients that, thanks to their properties, can help you achieve a natural lifting effect on your face without resorting to surgery or expensive treatments?
Try this face mask for a natural lift

If you want to get a natural lift without using expensive cosmetics or surgical treatments, you should try this face mask.

With some ingredients like argon oil, eggs and essential oils you can help regenerate your skin cells. This will give you firmer skin with fewer wrinkles.

Antioxidant ingredients for a natural boost

As we continue the article, we will review some antioxidant ingredients that will help your skin achieve a lifting effect.

Eggs provide a face mask with a natural lift

Egg yolks and egg whites

Raw eggs are an ancient remedy for skin and hair, thanks to its excellent and complete nutritional value. For our natural lift , we need the egg white and egg yolk:

  • Egg whites: Egg whites are very beneficial for our skin. It is known for its content of protein and minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium as well as B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12). The egg white makes the skin tighter.
  • Egg yolk: The egg yolk also contains proteins, but these are characterized by their fat content, vitamins A, D and E and minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium. The egg yolk nourishes the skin and helps prevent wrinkles.

Argan oil

Argan oil is an ancient health and beauty product with powerful antioxidants that keep the skin from premature aging due to free radicals.

  • It contains a high percentage of vitamin E, and the majority of its composition is oleic acid and linoleic acid-containing fatty acids

This oil nourishes the skin and leaves it soft and smooth immediately after applying the wax. It also has the great advantage that it is easy to absorb and that you therefore avoid clogging of your pores.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ

Wheat germ is a so-called superfood that is ideal for your skin, whether you use it as part of another remedy or apply it locally.

  • Thanks to its content of vitamin E, which contains a large amount of antioxidant, wheat germ keeps your skin hydrated, firm and wrinkle-free.

We recommend that you take advantage of this ingredient for its rejuvenating effects by taking a spoonful of it a day with juice or yogurt.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is essential for good health and helps you support your immune system. But we should also pay attention to their surprising properties on our skin, both when used orally and topically:

  • Vitamin C activates collagen synthesis and allows the skin to regenerate, keeping your skin firm and tight.
  • It also prevents and eliminates marks, eliminates impurities, soothes irritations and improves the absorption of the products we apply to it.
  • Use it to get a soft, smooth and clean skin without wrinkles.

If you do not have a vitamin C supplement, you can use 15 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice instead .

Essential incense oil in a face mask that gives a natural lift

Essential incense oil - natural leaves

Essential incense oils, in addition to being known for their intense aroma, have astringent and antioxidant properties that help our skin by promoting cell regeneration.

  • In addition , they improve skin tone, eliminate marks and reduce the small wrinkles that appear around the eyes and cheeks.
  • This results in a more  radiant, clear and firm skin.
  • The relaxing properties of this oil also help to improve the appearance of our face.

Mask with natural lift


  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 teaspoon argan oil (5 g)
  • 5 drops of essential incense oil
  • 1 teaspoon wheat germ (5 g)
  • Vitamin C (500 or 1000 mg) or 15 drops of lemon juice

What should you do?

  • First, beat the raw egg well.
  • Then add argan oil and the essential incense oil and you then combine all this together
  • Incorporate the solid ingredients (wheat germ and vitamin C) and mix them until well combined.
  • Keep the mask in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.


  • To get the natural lifting effect, apply this mask on your freshly cleansed dry face once a week.
  • Let it sit for half an hour, if possible, while you rest and lie down with your eyes closed.
  • This is more helpful as it helps you keep your face relaxed.
  • Then wash your face to take off the mask and hydrate your skin as you normally would.

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