4 Unusual Tips To Avoid Mosquitoes

Did you know that the color of your clothes can help you avoid mosquitoes? Dark colors attract more because they keep carbon dioxide from the body.
4 unusual tips to avoid mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be really annoying. Their plugs itch and then they can even transmit diseases. But how can you avoid mosquitoes without chemistry? These cunning tricks can give you a mosquito-free evening.

As we know, there are people who suffer more than others when it comes to attracting mosquitoes.

In this article, we suggest some unusual tips to avoid mosquitoes using natural methods. They are solutions as surprising as essential oils, vitamin supplements and certain plants.

Do repellents really help prevent mosquitoes?

Woman sprays her legs

Conventional mosquito repellents contain many problems. They include ingredients that have pesticides such as DEET or permethrin as major components that can cause the following problems:

  • Some studies claim that these components can be harmful to health by affecting the central nervous system.
  • There are people who still suffer from mosquito bites even when using these products.
  • The conventional deterrents seem to be becoming less and less effective. This happens because mosquitoes may be able to develop an immunity to them.

In this article, we will offer natural alternatives that are simple and effective to help you avoid mosquitoes without posing any health risk.

1. Essential oils

These oils are always an excellent way to prevent any kind of health problem by using a natural way that is comfortable and safe.

In this case, we have selected three oils that help us avoid mosquitoes effectively.

  • Citronella
  • Germanium
  • Blue eucalyptus

How are they used?

  • Mix the oil with some vegetable oils (almond, coconut, jojoba) or with some moisturizer, for later use on the skin.
  • Put the mixture in an aroma syringe to avoid mosquitoes in a specific place.
  • Put a few drops of oil on something you are wearing.
  • Combine the oil with water and make a spray that you can breathe on yourself. Shake the mixture well before use so that the oil and water are mixed. When the aroma disappears, spray yourself again.

Always use clean and certified oil. Do not use oil that is not for therapeutic purposes.

Marigold plants

Marigolds in full bloom

To avoid mosquitoes near a house, a yard, or an office, plant marigolds in the area.

In addition to having many health benefits, this beautiful orange flower is a mosquito repellent.

Planting these flowers by windows or forming a wall with them can prevent mosquitoes from getting near.

Interestingly, marigold is the basis for a variety of uses (creams, tinctures, and gels) that help relieve irritation caused by mosquito bites.

3. Wear light-colored clothing

It is obvious that the more we cover ourselves, the more we will avoid mosquitoes, even though we know that mosquitoes are capable of attacking through clothing.

But what many do not know is that color has something to do with it.

Dark colors attract mosquitoes because they keep carbon dioxide from our body. Light-colored clothing tends to keep mosquitoes away just like they keep bees away.

4. If you have already been stung… draw a cross!

The mosquitoes have stung us and we can see the inflammation on our skin. We have a remedy for you that comes from grandparents, without a scientific base, but has a surprising effect.

With your fingernail, draw an “X” on the wound, pressing so hard that it leaves a mark on the skin.

We do not have to scratch ourselves, but just make the two lines and presto , like magic, the mosquito bite will disappear. Within a few hours, you will not see the plug and there will be no scratch marks.

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