What Are Plaque Control Tablets?

Plaque control color tablets are used to improve dental hygiene. In this article, we will tell you what types are available, as well as how and when to use them.
What are plaque control color tablets?

Maybe you are not sure what plaque control color tablets are used for and how to use them. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about these substances that stain the biofilm on your teeth.

Bacterial plaque, also called biofilm, is a thin, translucent, sticky film formed by bacteria and sugars that accumulate and adhere to tooth surfaces. When formed, it may not be visible to the naked eye.

If not removed properly by brushing, it accumulates, turns yellowish and gives the area a rough structure. It mostly settles at the bottom of the teeth and around orthodontic appliances, which are two areas that are difficult to access during dental hygiene routines.

The presence and accumulation of plaque can cause several problems in your mouth, such as cavities, gingivitis and bad breath. That is why it is so important to get rid of it completely. This is where plaque control color tablets come into play. They can be a great help when it comes to dental hygiene.

What are plaque control color tablets?

As already mentioned, when plaque forms on your teeth, it is transparent. This makes it difficult to see and can make the tooth seem clean. Plaque control color tablets are substances that stain the biofilm to make it visible. This way it is easier to remove.

Knowing where the plaque is makes it possible to know which areas of your mouth need more attention, thus improving your hygiene techniques. These remedies are very useful in preventive routines and as motivation for the importance of oral care.

Characteristics of plaque control color tablets

Plaque control color tablets contain special dyes that color the biofilm red, pink or purple to make it visible. They are made with various substances such as erythrosine, fuchsin, sodium fluorescein, phloxin or malachite green.

They come in different presentations, which we will explain below. The main characteristics of effective plaque control color tablets are:

  • Easy to use.
  • Does not irritate the mouth.
  • Biocompatible and water soluble.
  • Avoid sticking gums and does not contain allergens.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Color contrast: The intensity of the color should vary to distinguish between new and old plaque.
  • The color lasts long enough.
  • Easy to remove after use.
A dentist scrapes plaque off a tooth

Types of plaque control color tablets

As already mentioned, there are different types of plaque control on the market. This means that you can choose the most appropriate solution for your particular needs. Here we tell you about the most common.

Chewable tablets

These are tablets you chew until they dissolve completely. When the saliva that your mouth has produced is circulating, rinse three or four times with water. Then look at your teeth.

They make the plaque red. In addition, there are the well-known two-color tablets, which stain the oldest plaque blue and the newest red.

Today, they are not so prevalent because the color remains on the teeth for a long time. In addition, it is difficult to stain the entire oral cavity. Their effectiveness depends on the patient’s ability to use them.

A great addition to your dental hygiene routine

Now you know what plaque control color tablets are all about. And even if you do not have to use them every day, visualizing the places where bacteria accumulate will allow you to improve your oral hygiene.

Your dentist can advise you on how to use them and at what times. They are easy to find at pharmacies and you can choose the type you prefer.

It is worth thinking about this help for proper dental hygiene. You already know that good oral hygiene prevents many diseases and gives you a radiant smile.

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