The Possible Causes Of Cavities In The Teeth

Cavities in the teeth can be caused by bacteria such as streptococci. However, diet and hygiene are also factors when it comes to developing cavities in the teeth.
The possible causes of cavities in the teeth

Many different factors can contribute to the development of cavities in the teeth. However, it is mostly related to diet, bacteria and components in saliva. There are various causes of cavities in the teeth.

Holes in the teeth first damage the enamel, which is the superficial layer of the tooth. Then  they develop gradually  until they reach the tooth mass, which is the inner part of the tooth.

The various causes of cavities in the teeth often include bacteria, primarily streptococci. This bacterium removes the minerals from the tooth enamel, which can then cause cavities.

Boy with rotten teeth

Products with sugar nourish the bacteria, which destroy the tooth’s enamel.

What are the causes of cavities in the teeth?

The presence of bacteria is not the only thing that leads to this disorder. There are also  other causes of cavities in the teeth:

  • Low pH in the mouth  due to intake of carbonated beverages, acidic foods, etc.
  • A diet rich in sugar and sticky foods.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Low production of saliva.
  • Tooth filling,  which makes it difficult to clean.
  • Abnormal enamel, such as hypoplasia (thin and damaged enamel).
  • Periodontal disease.
Unhealthy foods can be the cause of cavities in the teeth

The sugars in our diet are primarily responsible for cavities in the teeth.

Holes begin as white spots with a whitewashed texture that occurs on the teeth  due to diluted and weakened enamel. If minerals continue to be lost, the condition will get worse and a dark, black or yellow hole will occur.

If the hole continues to get worse, it can even split the tooth in two. When the hole in the tooth reaches the tooth bone, the tooth will become very sensitive to cold, hot and sweet foods. When this happens, it is time to get a dental filling.

Woman with toothache takes care of cheek

If it is not treated in time, the hole in the tooth will continue to develop. When it reaches the tooth mass, the pain will be intense. Unfortunately, it is possible that an infection can occur at the root of the tooth. When the hole in the tooth reaches this point, the only solution is a root canal treatment.

How to avoid cavities in the teeth

The simplest ways to avoid cavities are:

Proper oral hygiene, which removes plaque, which is one of the common causes of cavities in the teeth

The most effective way to prevent cavities is to make it a habit to  brush your teeth at least twice a day. Electric toothbrushes remove plaque and food debris that accumulates on the teeth and acts as a habitat for bad bacteria.

Woman brushes teeth

Brushing teeth every day will help prevent the formation of bacterial plaque, which causes tartar and other problems with the teeth.

A dentist can teach you how to brush properly, as well as recommend a toothbrush and toothpaste that is appropriate for your individual needs as a patient.

Use toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride

It is  very important to use mouthwash and toothpaste with added fluoride. This will help your teeth regain the lost minerals and will help strengthen your enamel.

Mouthwash and toothpaste also help your teeth become more resistant to bacteria, which damage the minerals on your enamel.

In addition to brushing teeth and flossing more often,  you can also take the following extra precautions to help prevent cavities:

  • Change your diet:  Eat less sugar and less sugary foods.
  • Go to the dentist at least twice a year.
  • In children,  use tooth sealant.

If you think you may have a hole in a tooth, then it is highly recommended that you  go to a dentist to get the problem fixed and prevent it from getting worse.

Keep in mind that the preventative methods mentioned here should never replace traditional toothbrushing. Brushing teeth, flossing and using fluoride mouthwash are essential habits to prevent cavities.

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