36 Questions That Make You Fall In Love In Just 1 Hour

Sometimes you do not need 36 questions to fall in love. Sometimes it just requires a glance or a touch. Other times, it takes years before one recognizes one’s feelings for another.
36 questions that make you fall in love in just 1 hour

Everyone knows that one of the keys to falling in love with another person is to have a mutual and intimate space together.

Achieving a bond of trust and togetherness with another person can create intense, almost magical, emotions that can lead to a great love.

You know that the attraction between two people is sometimes beyond logic or reason.

But countless studies are still being done trying to figure out how this chemistry actually works. They strive to explain the strange behaviors and impulses that force people to come together as a couple and create emotions so strong that they can last for months, years and even a lifetime.

Science says…

In fact, Arthur Aron, a social psychologist at the Department of Interpersonal Relations at Stony Brook University, New York, performed an interesting experiment in his

His goal was to find out how the variables that can create a strong and intimate bond between two strangers actually worked. He did so by asking a series of questions.

In the beginning, Aaron’s work was not to try to make two people fall in love. His goal was purely academic, and he completed it in a clinical

Nevertheless, “The New York Times” published his study once again in January 2015, as an essay written by another academic, Mandy Len Catron.

His motivation? According to Catron , it was actually possible to fall in love based on the 36 questions that Professor Aron had devised to study the intimate bonds between two people.

He had repeated his experiment and had proof that the results were true. We are sure that today’s article will interest you, so keep reading to find out how these questions work.


Let’s start by clarifying a few issues. The questions that you are going to read contain very intimate and personal details. In fact, there is a good chance that people in long-term relationships have never stopped and considered several of the issues raised here.

The 36 questions can be divided into three sets

If you are trying to do it with a stranger, go slowly to work and try the first set of questions with us, to see how it goes.

If you are starting to feel uncomfortable, then it is best to skip this question, but if you feel a level of confidence is forming and you feel comfortable enough to continue, then move on. The experience alone is worth it all.

We must also mention that if you are currently in a relationship, then it can be exciting to try out this test. Although it may take more than an hour to complete, we are sure you will benefit from it.

It is far from being a simple game of questions, each one testing you, touching you deeply and turning you around. Your fears and personal needs, shortcomings and virtues will come to light  – the voices that are typically very quiet or hidden away, but which show who you really are.

Give it a try

We encourage you to review these questions with anyone, even if you are not yet ready to fall in love.

As you answer them, you expose yourself to another person who will regard you as an equal who will understand you and you will see your soul reflected in their eyes.

Pay attention to how to do:

  • Choose a quiet place
  • Read each question aloud. Both parties must answer each question before proceeding
  • Both parties must have visual contact with each other at all times
  • There are three sets of questions.  Take a break at the end of each set and decide when you are ready to move on

Are you ready?

  • If you could choose who in the world, who would you invite to dinner?
  • Do you want to be famous? Known for what?
  • Before you make a phone call, do you practice what to say? Why, why not?
  • Describe a “perfect” day for you.
  • When was the last time you sang to yourself? When was the last time you sang for someone else?
  • If you were able to turn 90 years old… What would you prefer: to have common sense or to have a body like a 30 year old?
  • Do you think that you know how to die?
  • Name three things that you would like to have in common with your partner.
  • What thing in your life are you most grateful for?
  • If you can change anything in your upbringing, what should it be?
  • Share your life story in four minutes.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow with a new quality or ability, what would it be?
  • If you could ask a crystal ball a question about yourself, your life, the future, anything, then what would you like to know?
  • Is there anything you have been wanting to do for a long time? Why have you not done it yet?
  • What is your biggest achievement in life?
  • What do you value most in a friendship?
  • What is your most valuable memory?
  • What is your worst memory?
  • If you were suddenly told that you were going to die within a year, would you then change how you live your life now? Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What are the roles of love and grief in your life?
  • Describe five things you are looking for in a partner.
  • Do you have a good relationship with your family? Do you feel that your childhood was happier than most others’?
  • How is your relationship with your mother?
  • Come up with three true statements with the word “we”. For example: “We ask each other questions”, “we are both calm…”
  • Complete this sentence: “I wish I had some of the parts…”
  • If you suddenly became your partner’s closest friend instead of boyfriend, tell them the most important thing you want them to know.
  • Tell the person what you like about him or her.
  • Describe what you like about your current friends.
  • What, if anything, do you consider to be too serious a problem to joke about?
  • If you were to die tonight without the opportunity to communicate with anyone else, what would you most regret not being told? Why have you not said that yet?
  • Your house, with all your stuff in it, is on fire. After rescuing your loved ones and pets, you still have time to go back and save one last thing. What would it be? Why?
  • Of all the people in your family, whose death will then affect you the most? Why?
  • Share a personal problem and ask the person in front of you for advice, to find out how they themselves would act in such a situation.
in love

As a concluding remark, research on human relationships and emotions is always fascinating. But do not forget that 36 questions are not always enough to fall in love.

This is because love does not listen to reason or explanations.  Sometimes it takes just a glance to fall in love, and other times it can take years before you realize you are in love.  Nevertheless, love is always an adventure worth experiencing.

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