A Japanese Technique To Eliminate Stress

Let’s be honest: we all feel stressed from time to time. The good news, though, is that we do not have to be. There are lots of ways to relieve stress, like these very effective Japanese methods. Give them a try!
A Japanese technique to eliminate stress

Commitments, pressures, worries, problems… All stress in life can be combined in a negative way in your body. Before you know it, you feel tired, lethargic or irritable. Stress is so ubiquitous that it begins to seem like the rule and not the exception in our lives. The good news is that there are certain techniques that can help you eliminate stress in minutes. In today’s article, we share some with you.

Japanese method of eliminating stress

Use this Japanese methods to eliminate stress.

When your body feels that something is wrong or there is an imminent danger, it reacts. This is how stress basically works.

In low doses, stress can be good for your health, but as they say “not too much of a good thing”.

Being stressed causes both physical suffering and emotional illness. Triggers can vary, although work and other commitments are the most common.

To reduce stress and its consequences, you can take advantage of a very effective Japanese method that can be practiced at any time of the day.

It is based on an oriental art known as “Jin Shin Jyutsu” (the art of happiness) and will only require five minutes of your time.

This Japanese philosophy is based on the fact that all points in the body are related to each other. Therefore, this exercise is performed using the hands.

The idea is as follows: Each finger is connected to one or more of your organs and emotions.

Therefore, you should only work on the one who can send an energetic message to the affected area.

It’s very simple:

  • Apply the pressure for three minutes to the fingertip or fingers related to the problem or feeling you have.
  • Start with your right hand and then repeat this with your left.

For example, if it is the middle finger that can help with what is bothering you, then hold it close in the other hand with clenched fist and press as hard as possible (without causing pain).

How do you know which finger is associated with which emotions and organs?

Let us explain it in more detail:

Thumbs up

The organs attached to this finger are your stomach and spleen. The relevant emotions are anxiety, depression and worry.

As for the symptoms, look for the primary ones in the form of headaches and stomach aches, nervousness and skin problems.

The index finger

Your kidneys and bladder are the affected organs. Fear and confusion are your connected emotions.

If you feel muscle pain or other problems with the digestive system, just tap this finger.

Long fingers

Applying this technique to your middle finger can improve problems with your liver and gallbladder. It concerns feelings of anger and irritability.

Symptoms of this imbalance include headaches, menstrual cramps, fatigue and blood and vision problems.

The ring finger

This finger is connected to your lungs and colon.

When you feel sad, pessimistic, have difficulty breathing like asthma or indigestion, work on this finger.

The little finger

This finger is related to your heart and small intestine.

Apply pressure here if you have bone problems or if you experience fatigue and bad mood.

Several Japanese techniques that can eliminate stress

Half of the world’s population suffers from stress, which can lead to a decline in labor productivity and problems with interpersonal relationships.

Apart from this , stress is bad for your health and can lead to serious illnesses like a heart attack.

In addition to performing this technique with your fingers, we recommend that you also reduce your stress levels by utilizing other oriental methods.

A forest bath can eliminate stress

Shinrin Yoke is the original name of this method, which consists of walking in a natural environment using your five senses.

It means touching the trees and plants, breathing in the fresh air and the scent of the flowers, listening to birds singing or the wind moving the leaves, observing the landscape around you or tasting some wild fruits.

To enjoy this experience and for it can be beneficial, it is a good idea to practice it a few times a week and make sure that each trip lasts at least an hour.

If you live in a city, it can be a little more difficult, but there is always a city park you can visit. You can also take advantage of the weekends to travel a little further away and relax.

Being in touch with nature is good for your health.

Do not bring any electronic devices with you (no social media or checking your messages) and avoid thinking about work, your problems or bad news.

These walks will reduce your cortisol and anxiety levels, regulate your blood pressure and strengthen your immune system.

Reiki can eliminate stress

This therapy serves to stimulate certain points in the body and channel positive energy.

This helps you achieve harmony both internally and externally by reducing stress, anxiety and nervousness.

This spiritual practice is derived from Buddhism and is based on inner vitality, known as ki .

To take advantage of its benefits , you should consult with a reiki teacher or expert.

A session can last 45 minutes and during this time, you will lay on a mat, listen to light music and inhale the scents of essential oils or incense.

An expert will place his hands close to your chakras to allow your energy to flow freely. The relaxation and sense of peace that people experience makes many people say that they feel as if they are “fluid”.

We recommend attending a reiki session once a week or as often as recommended to control your stress.

Of course, there are also many other ways to eliminate stress. Yoga, meditation and even akido – a martial art that promotes mental serenity and rejects violence – can all help.

Are you ready to eliminate stress? Give the techniques a try and your body and mind will thank you!

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