4 Herbal Teas To Increase Your Metabolism

If you are one of those people who are lucky enough to have a high metabolism, you can burn fat off almost effortlessly. If you are like the rest of us, you can still boost your metabolism with herbal teas and a balanced diet.
4 herbal teas to increase your metabolism

As you know, each of us has our own unique  metabolic rate. Heredity is part of this, but you can also do something yourself to  speed up your metabolism  and this is where the herbal teas can be helpful. In this article we will talk about 4 herbal teas to increase your metabolism.

4 herbal teas to increase your metabolism

The right balance between muscle and body fat is the key to both our well-being and appearance.   There are people out there with a metabolism  that allows them to burn fat almost without exertion and that allows them to maintain their weight and shape through most of their lives. Sometimes, due to heredity, we are unable to lose weight despite harsh diets and that we almost starve ourselves, often at the expense of our health. But what can we do? Ideally, you should eat a varied diet, complete with all the important vitamins and minerals. You should continue to eat protein to keep your muscles strong and avoid getting soft, as often happens during weight loss. These herbal teas along with a balanced diet can safely speed up your metabolism and help you achieve your goals.

1. Apple peels and cinnamon

Apple peels are known for their slimming properties, but why? Basically for two reasons: uric acid and active collagen. Ursolic acid in apple peels prevents wear and tear of the joints, controls cholesterol and keeps our bones strong and healthy. The active collagen is good for our skin and hair. They are natural wonders that are praised by everyone who manages to burn fat while  building muscle at the same time.  

How do I make an herbal tea from apple peels and cinnamon? It’s easy. Just take the peel from three apples, add a liter of water and bring to a boil. When they start to boil, add a tablespoon of  cinnamon. Enjoy this delicious tea all day.

2. Green tea and cinnamon

It’s no secret that green tea is an excellent way to increase your metabolism. It is not only rich in antioxidants and good for the heart and digestion. Green tea also helps you lose weight. When you combine green tea with cinnamon, you get a wonderful drink that is a great accompaniment to any diet. All you have to do is make green tea in the usual way and add a little cinnamon. If taken twice daily, for breakfast and in the afternoon, you will notice results.

3. Pineapple with ginger

Delicious, healthy, medicinal and slimming. How should you be able to resist it? You will not be able to do that. It should be taken twice daily, for breakfast and dinner. As you already know, pineapple is a fruit with cleansing and detoxifying properties, and when combined with ginger, it becomes a great, easy remedy to speed up your metabolism. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties and is great for taking care of the digestive system: it cleanses, heals and speeds up the metabolism when combined with pineapple . 

How do I make a pineapple and ginger tea? First, bring a cup of water to a boil, add a tablespoon of ginger, let it steep, and then filter it. Take two slices of pineapple and run it through a food processor or blender and mix the resulting juice with ginger tea. Have you tried it yet? So what are you waiting for?

4. Cayenne pepper, green tea and honey

Cayenne pepper, honey and green tea are all thermogenic elements that can increase your metabolism.  Do not be afraid to try this mixture; it is very well known and extremely beneficial. If taken for lunch, this tea will reduce your appetite and help you avoid the classic afternoon snack. It is easy to make. Just prepare a cup of green tea as you usually do and add a fingertip  cayenne pepper  (not too much, then you will not be able to drink it!) And a teaspoon of honey. The drink that comes out of it will help boost your  metabolism  to reach your goal of losing weight. Do not hesitate to try it one day!

More tips to speed up your metabolism

Healthy breakfast

1. Eat nutritious breakfast.

When you supply your body with energy in the morning, you immediately put it to work immediately, to absorb nutrients and burn fat to start your day.  How about some oatmeal? Or how about some whole wheat toast with spinach and feta? These foods are ideal for starting your metabolism as the first thing in the morning.

2. Foods rich in Omega-3

Foods like tuna and salmon contain healthy fats that increase metabolism while reducing inflammation and controlling the hormones responsible for fat storage.

3. Never skip meals.

Do you skip meals? That is a big mistake. Ideally, you should eat 6 small meals during the day and breakfast is one of the most important .  Regular meals tell our body that foods are regularly available. When we skip meals, it tells our body that food is no longer available and that it needs to go into fat storage mode to save energy. Therefore, it is important to eat 6 healthy meals a day, and make sure to include fruit, fiber and some protein. Remember to eat a varied diet, maintain an active lifestyle, and drink these herbal teas that will no doubt help you reach your weight loss goal. 

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