Make Your Own Sweetener: Grow Your Own Stevia At Home

When you grow stevia at home, you are sure that the product you get out of it is of the best quality and that there were no harmful chemicals in its care.
Make your own sweetener: grow your own stevia at home

Stevia is a tropical plant that behaves differently in a Mediterranean climate. It undergoes an important stop in its growth as autumn and winter break out. You can also grow a stevia plant yourself – and make your own stevia at home!

That is why it is considered to be a perennial plant. This means you can grow stevia for 4 to 5 years. In the spring, new shoots sprout, which grow under the roots. From then until mid-August, it will produce leaves similar to those made by geraniums.

However, one should not plant new shoots that bloom. These will never form roots. These flowers will also never produce seeds that can germinate. That is why it can only be propagated by pruning.

So if you plant from a good variety, you will have an endless production of plants that have several medicinal properties.

And although many people still do not know much about it, this is a powerful weapon against high blood sugar, high blood pressure and various digestive problems.

It is also believed that it can help people suffering from anxiety and serious conditions such as obesity.

How to grow your own stevia at home

How to grow your own stevia at home

You can grow your own stevia in your garden, especially if you are interested in using it for health purposes.

To do this, one should have a few guidelines about plant cultivation in mind, as well as specific plant systems and the correct method of gathering the leaves.

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  • 1 large jar
  • The last 10 cm of a shoot of stevia (be sure it does not have a flower)
  • Peat moss (enough to fill the jar)
  • Water for irrigation

Step 1: How to grow your own stevia

Fill the pot with peat moss, which you can get from a gardener. Water a little, or until the peat moss is moist.

Step 2

Remove 2 or 3 leaves from the lower part of the stevia shoot to make room for the planting. Bury it and be sure to use your fingers to press around the stem so that it comes in contact with the moist peat moss.

Keep in mind that you should not let it take too long between pruning the shoot until you plant it.

Step 3

Stevia plants

Place the jar in a shaded place to avoid direct sunlight. Then water it 3 times a day to make sure the peat moss stays moist enough.

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Step 4

After 28 or 30 days, you may notice that the stevia shoot begins to stand up straight. As soon as it starts to sprout with leaves, one can place it in a place with more sun so that it does not stop growing.

  • When you move the shoot to your garden, you should start removing new leaves. You only need to water it once a day.
  • In summer you should water every day. But in the spring and fall, one should make sure that it is not too moist before watering it.
  • In winter, water only as needed. Too much moisture will cause the roots to rot.

Step 5

In late autumn, when one begins to notice that the plant is full of flowers and does not want to grow any more, then it is time to prune it. It must be left with a height of 10 cm.

Step 6

To dry the leaves that are still left, try to avoid exposing them to direct sunlight so that they do not lose their properties.

You can dry them in smaller portions inside the house, which typically has a better temperature for this.

Stevia’s medicinal uses

Stevia in various forms

Stevia has been shown to be healthy for patients with type 2 diabetes. This accounts for 90% of patients with this disease worldwide.

So far, cases of type-1 diabetes can only be treated with insulin.

However, consuming stevia is thought to be able to control excess glucose in the blood and at the same time relieve discomfort in the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

People with obesity can help themselves by consuming stevia to burn fat more easily.

It also has laxative effects, which can be a sovereign means of cleansing the kidneys and excreting excess fluids.

How to make your own stevia as a sweetener from the plant

We recommend that you eat 4 soft leaves before or during your breakfast, and then another 4 leaves during dinner.

When you do not have any fresh leaves, you can also use dried leaves in a tea. Do this every time you want to drink it. Or you can make a portion for two days at once.


  • 2 tablespoons dried, crushed stevia leaves (20 grams)
  • 1 liter of water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil. When it boils, remove it from the heat and add the tablespoons of dried stevia.
  • Let it stand and infuse for at least 30 minutes before drinking it. This allows the leaves to secrete their properties in the water.
  • Sift the tea and drink it once a day.

So go ahead and grow your own stevia at home and enjoy a very enjoyable experience. As a result, you will get an excellent remedy for your body and your health.

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