Why Is My Stomach Bloated All The Time?

A cup of tea after a meal is a great way to get rid of flatulence. You can also try adding spices to your food to speed up digestion.
Why is my stomach bloated all the time?

Oh, so bloated. You stick to your stomach and hit a small burp. This is not the first time you are seriously considering buying a pair of pants a size larger. Flatulence usually goes away on its own. But if it persists, it’s a problem you’ll have to solve. In this article, we will review some of the many reasons why you have flatulence, and explain what you can do to avoid it. So, why is your stomach bloated all the time?

This is why your stomach is bloated: because you do not chew your food well enough

You must be hammering busy. Everything today needs to be done at a tremendous pace, so it’s no surprise that many of us also swallow the food to get ahead quickly in the program. Many of us take the packed lunch on the go – often standing or while we talk – so we do not chew our food as well as we should. It makes it harder for our body to process food and it is bad for digestion. It can make your stomach bloated. 

Digestion begins in the mouth with your saliva containing important digestive enzymes. The more we chew our food, the better it is processed by the body.

The gases can be caused by intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites are unfortunately difficult to detect. This is not because parasites do not have symptoms, but because the symptoms can also be due to other things. For example, parasites can cause nervousness, irritability, eating disorders, itchy sensations in the nostrils or rectum, as well as bloating. Some people get bloated because they have eaten something that their stomach does not benefit from. However, if you have parasites, you will be bloated no matter what you eat.

If you suspect parasites, see your doctor. You can also starve the parasites by removing sugar and wheat products from your diet as that is what they eat.

Probiotics in yogurt or as a tablet support the production of healthy intestinal bacteria.

Bloated stomach

Why so bloated? Maybe you just ate too big a meal

It is never good to overeat. Eating beyond the point where you are full can often make you bloated. Always eat only until you are no longer hungry. This is a good little rule of thumb to keep in mind.

If you have difficulty controlling the craving for food, drink a cup of tea instead.

Some foods produce more gases than others

Some food gives especially a lot of air in the stomach. Some people are also more sensitive to them than others. If you fart a lot, the gases are probably due to food such as beans and cabbage. You can try to eat less of them.

Tea with fresh mint.

Food allergies can make you bloated

Sometimes air in the stomach is caused by food allergies. The most common culprits are gluten or lactose. If you suspect that you are allergic, you should see your doctor. You can also try testing yourself first.

You do this by removing the suspected foods from your diet for a month and see if you get better or experience less bloating.

Oh so bloated. And also a little sad

The digestive system and intestines are likely to influence your mood, according to recent research. So maybe it can be that you can also get sick intestines from feeling bad mentally? Even though it has not been proven, it is still hugely exciting and possibly worth a closer look.

Are you bloated on the days you are mentally ill? Talk to a psychologist, practice yoga, mindfulness, tai chi or anything else that can help you get better.

stomach bloated

Avoid unhealthy dinners

Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day, because at night the body does not have a lot of energy left to digest the food. For example, if you often wake up in the morning with a bloated stomach, it’s time to change what you eat for dinner. Salads, for example, are quite healthy, but they are better to eat during the day or for lunch. Cooked vegetables and sauces are better to eat in the evening.

Now you know some of the reasons, so why is your stomach bloated all the time and what do you want to do about it?

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